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Aspiring Trainer
if you want to see the trailer for the 13th movie you go to the url of


Cool! Although, cameras weren't allowed. Come to think of it, they're not allowed in any theatre. Anyway, thanks for sharing. That was pretty cool animation!
wow... looks pretty cool, go lugia!!!, :p, anyways i just saw a preview to this movie, # 13, before i saw anything about movie # 12, weird...
Nice. It would have been even better if he/she could have gotten better resolution and sound but if this is it than I will take what I get.
It's fantastic to see Ho-oh fully animated, as opposed to just flying away. It's kind've interesting that they're fighting, i mean they always struck me as a peaceful duo.
Looks cool!
Do you think it's the same Ho-oh that Ash has seen several times? And do you think the Lugia could be the same one that was in the second movie?
Yeah, there's not much chance that we'll be seeing Orange Islands Lugia. He's tied to that area, and really has no place in a Gold and Silver related plot.

Ho-Oh on the other hand could very well be the same. On that note, I really hope that Ho-Oh's previous appearances in the anime are at least mentioned in movie 13.
What I think is this lugia is the baby lugia from that one episode long ago, and its grown up and battling this Ho-Oh. The ho-oh should be the same one as Ash has seen. Only problem is, it will seem similar to Darkrai movie then, w/ 2 sides fighting, Ash calms them down, everything is just fine again...
i dnt think lugia will win cause ho-oh is way beyond lugia it is more powerful atleast we saw lugia's attacks but didn't see ho-oh's attacks and now we shall see
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