Pokemon Ice Version

ArceusTrainer said:

Fakemon art for Starter pokemon (Top) A random fish, Pre evo Lapras and Evo of Delibird! ;)

^did you get those from google images? they look familiar...

there are way too many fake games going on (and failing) but good luck
I hope that this one actually works out. It'll take a lot of work to make the game, but I am willing to do it.
heres a Fakemon that i found on a page u could use this one if u wish http://th09.deviantart.net/fs32/300W/f/2008/236/9/d/fakemon___zepheon_by_Ashurasonic.jpg
This game takes place when Ash becomes a GYM Leader, eight years from now.

I can make town names!!


Leafblade City ---> Yuna, girl GYM Leader
Sharplive City ---> Ash Ketchum, boy, GYM Leader
Tokaw Town ---> Hermar, man, GYM Leader
Seablast City
Crow City
Hazard Town --->Starter Town
Fieru Town

Region Name: Hezalf

Maybe we can make a Pokemon Ice Version and Pokemon Flame version. ;D
Then Pokemon Aqua Version
@Zekrom- The gym leader for a grass gym is already picked its Bloss. Also for right now lets finish Ice version first before moving on another version. :)

@monpyro97- Did you know who made it? If you can, can you ask that person if it is possible to use the sprite version of it for the game. I don't want to steal other peoples artwork and use it for my game. I need their permission. If whoever says "no" then we will find another way to make it.
@Ice Arceus: Oh, okay!! :)

New names:
Tokaw Cave, a cave near Tokaw Town. A legendary is hideen there.
Bisumiar City ---> Ovel, adult, 15 years old, GYM Leader
I like the cave name. It sounds really cool. Probably I will keep that cave name and add it to the front post.

Update: Added a second userbar thanks to ArceusTrainer.
Player after coming towards the mountain tries to find a way in but the entrances are blocked by obstacales (able to overcome through HM) so Player continues on to the next gym which contains a flying type perfered leader. Player sees a research and analyis labratory in the town near the exit where Player sees men and women in black clothing with brown and white N's on the fronts and backs of their clothes enter the lab. You follow in to the lab. Player sees the grunts trying to take info and artifacts involving the regions legendaries. Player takes out the grunt without haste and the profs. and one of the profs. son heal your Pokemon. Player walks out of the lab only to see Nature Leaders MOUNTAIN and CLOUD the best best tag partners in the team. MOUNTAIN and CLOUD challanges Player to a battle when suddingly the Prof.'s son Troy comes out of the lab to help Player. Player and Troy win and CLOUD and MOUNTAIN in anger reveals more about Team Nature...

I will try figure out Nature story and everything either later tonight or tommorow afternoon
Team Nature is a twisted organization who want to destroy all technology and buildings. There are 4 Leaders TREE, CLOUD and MOUNTAIN, and WATER. Then there is Team Nature Master SUN. The leaders each have a different color as following: green,white,brown,blue, and yellow. The grunts are ranked as lowest to strongest. Green N White N Brown N Blue N and Yellow N. The grunts the become stronger than Yellow N become part of a group called The TNML: Team Nature Mini Leaders were they get actually names such as SKY, LEAF, etc. They are trying to use the region's legendaries to destroy everything but nature.

CLOUD and MOUNTAIN say that they can't believe that they lost to Player and Troy. They say how that should be higher in the ranks and that the other current leaders should be mini leaders and the master should should be on the same ranks as CLOUD and MOUNTAIN. They say that they want the power of legendaries of the region to be actually be theirs and thats why they joined Team Nature

I will try to figure out more by tomorow afternoon
GYM Leader Ash Ketchum will be the seventh GYM Leader you will battle. You will meet him in the start of the game with May.

Names of the Badges:

Grass: Graft Badge
Fire: Eruption Badge
Normal: Leader Badge
Mix: Sharp Badge
Ice Arceus said:
@Zekrom- The gym leader for a grass gym is already picked its Bloss. Also for right now lets finish Ice version first before moving on another version. :)

@monpyro97- Did you know who made it? If you can, can you ask that person if it is possible to use the sprite version of it for the game. I don't want to steal other peoples artwork and use it for my game. I need their permission. If whoever says "no" then we will find another way to make it.
Ok i will do that .I will ask him/her cuz i have a deviantart account .Btw if he/she says yes it could be a eeve evolution type flying
Yeah if he/she says yes than we will be using those in the game. I am still looking for an artist who knows how to draw so he/she can draw a map of the region for me.

Full Moon said:
I can help make Fakemon. If you need my help Ill be sure to have my ideas in.
That is awsome! Thanks a lot Full Moon! :)
ArceusTrainer said:

Fakemon art for Starter pokemon (Top) A random fish, Pre evo Lapras and Evo of Delibird! ;)
Those belong to Water Trainer on DeviantArt, who said no one can use them. Ask Wichu for proof. And if somehow you still can use it, Rotom-Cut gave the complete list to my game, Pokemon Obsidian. Take them out.

Ice Arceus said:
Full Moon said that he is going to help with the fakemon.

Yes so if you have any ideas just tell me. Also if you have an idea and Im not here, if you PM me I can give my cell number if you have unlimited text.

Do with it what you want. I suppose its a fire type. Its supposed to look Myan and be a devil I guess. Cant think of a name.
Player and Troy go back into the lab. They figure out nearly everthing about Team Nature. They sewnt what they learned to Officer Jennys, Profs., and Researchers. Player then haeds out to face the next gym leader. Player reaches town and faces the water gym. Player heads to the next gym. Along the way Player sees a river where a man dresses in black with a blue N onhis back is standing on the water. Player goes to confront him when he rises and you see a water type Pokemon that he is standing on. "My name is WATER Team Nature's master of water types prepared to be destroyed!" Player faces him and wins. "That is impossible, but what is even more impossible beating Master SUN!"