Pokemon Ice Version

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

Yes we are currently in need of a spriter. Since I am working on the game right now, I haven't had time to actually finish some things on the Pokedex. So if you can sprite some of the Pokemon then that'll be great.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

we will see.....this time giv me credit where credit is due....
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

alright, my photoshop brush tool is not working correctly, so I have to resort to the pencil tool. =P anyways.. here is another Pokemon:


name: Elat
classification: Bat Pokemon
Type: Electric/Flying
height: 2' 7"
Weight: 10 lbs
ability: static/Insomnia
Evolution: None/does not evolve

Elat make their homes near powerplants and in large cities. They become energized by collecting electricity from in the air during thunderstorms.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

Ok thanks I will add that to the game. Once it is brushed up a little.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

dude, it has been drawn and sprited:

DRAWN: garriter
SPRITED: yours truly
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

I attempted to sprite Elat, and this is the result. too small, too big? not good enough? XD the reason why there is so much space around it is because im going to attempt more if you like this one

RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

^ At least it has more progress than some of the other games here that where made before the new rule.

He needs a better engine, though.

Ice Arceus, are you using Game Maker?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

I wanna play when its done! D:
Looks to be coming along very nicely. Keep up the good work!
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

ooh i have a storyline here it goes "a kid wakes up in excitement about getting his first pokemon while awake he sneaks out to think about his choice but when he goes out he sees a giant bird in the sky it swooshes down and looks him straight in the eyes he can now tell that it is the legendary articuno scared out of his mind articuno hints that he wants you to ride him but while riding articuno you fall asleep and wake up in your warm bed then" i haven't thought any more than this
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

I reckon elat should be legendary. And by the way, we already have the beginning of our storyline and I doubt Articuno will be in the game.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

ummmm the map is...how should I say it....bad. it lacks a border, it is VERY empty, and it's square. three things you should never have with a map. and a lot of the fakemon are obvious splices, and games with splices aren't that good.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

^ That's the demo. That's just there so he could post the game.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

sirrileyaaron said:
I reckon elat should be legendary. And by the way, we already have the beginning of our storyline and I doubt Articuno will be in the game.

I was thinking that Elat would be like a Pachirisu. It just doesn't look the legendary roll.

I redid the sprite, hopefully it looks a little better

i'm thinking there should be Poke'ball called a weather ball. It works best while there is a weather condition, like hail, rain, sunshine. =P
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

@Porygon-X: Yeah I am using Game Maker. Since I have been having so many computer troubles there were limited things that I could do. Once things get backed to normal I will just start with the starter town and go on from there.

@sirrileyaaron: You never know. Articuno might be in the game. Can't reveal much things right now. :p

@altariaking: Well since the demo video was made a long time ago by our programmer, we were just trying the things out. I know the town looks bad, but it's supposed to be like that. We are going to brush up with the things once I get started with the programming. The starter town will look much better than that.

@Garitter: Yeah it looks nice, but for some reason to me some of the thick black lines are kinda messing the sprite up. But overall it looks great.

@shabu420: Yeah we ready have a storyline, but we aren't finished yet. My co-leader who had made the storyline isn't finished yet and he is currently making the pokedex, which means that you could help out by posting some ideas of the storyline after where we had left off.

@moonpix: Thanks very much.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

I know it's kinda small, but hopefully big enough. My photoshop isn't working properly, so I hope I get my laptop fixed and returned soon. For Hawkriel, I really don't think it should be an evolution of Jaydenal. I mean, a blue jay becoming a hawk is strange. so instead.. I created an evolution stage of its own, this is what I have.


name: Falchrome
Classification: Falcon Pokemon
Type: Steel/Flying
height: 2' 0"
weight: 20 lbs
ability: heat proof/keen eye

the tips of falchrome's wings are a soft steel-like material. Though the metal is soft, it is strong enough to cut down a small tree with one swipe.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

hmmmmmm.....I suppose I could help with mapping, I've never mapped with RMXP nor do I know how too but I can send you the maps for you to copy?
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

@Garitter: Ok we will use that Pokemon in the game. I will also need a sprite version of that Pokemon.

@altariaking: Sure you can help out with the mapping.
RE: Pokemon Ice Version *Added Screenshot From Demo Video*

Right now I am getting started with the programming.