Pokemon Ice Version

To be honest, Plantling just looks like a tree. We need more Pokemon features. I'm not saying its bad or anything, I just think it just looks like a tree.
Lol that's what I thought when I originally saw the pic.
I will try to add more Pokemon-looking features.
Any suggestions on what to add?
All right
Not really

I have been programming more, but the main problem I am encountering is the transition into battle. I am going to try to see what I can do with the scripting (hopefully it will start working soon).
Arceus,great job on Platling,but I agree that it just looks like a tree.Maybe you could add some arms, or something.Otherwise you did a great job! :)
@Umb/Esp, I'm just gonna point out the obvious. How could he do a better job if he's spriting? No offense or anything intended; if you thought Plantling should have arms, why didn't you give it arms? It is your Fakemon, not Arceus507's. He would be fixing your work, not his own.
Well,I didn't think of arms when I was drawing it. :p
Edit: I will post a better drawing of Plantling later.
Edit#2:Here is a new version of Plantling. Non colored V. http://tinypic.com/r/20hk181/7 Colored V. http://tinypic.com/r/6r0myh/7
Hope you like it!
I hope to get add a few more things added to the current Route, but still need some suggestions since I have quite a bit of space in the middle (will try posting a picture soon).

Any suggestions?
I'm back! I'm sorry guys. I am leaving Pokebeach for two weeks :( I need some time for myself.....I have school talent show auditions tomorrow, so I have to practice. I'm singing Lady GaGa's Born This Way :) I will see you all later! ~Dustin
At the moment I don't know if Eevee will be presented in the game or not, but am thinking of putting it in. As for the rocks, I will see if I have the tiles for the rocks or not.
I have all ready added a Pokeball (holding an item) which can be found in Route 1.
Plantling looks much better. I think the leaves on it's arms should be a bit longer.
I have made a new Fakemon:

Is it good?
That is really good Shaymin6.6.

All right I got most things completed for the first Route, but might just add a few things. What type of Pokemon would you like to see in the first Route?
Maybe a couple normal pokemon.What type is the first gym leader going to be?Would you like me to design a couple pokemon for the first route.Sapling could be a good pokemon.
I am going to try picking some from the front post, but you can design some if you want and have more of a broader range of common Pokemon.
Although I have my own game to get to sometime soon, I'd say that you should stick with the usual pattern for the first Route. A one or two-stage line of Normal mammals and a one or two-stage Normal/Flying bird line.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I tend to get some great ideas for how to plan the next Route when I am doing pretty much nothing. I am still going to be getting to posting the picture of Route 1 whenever I am totally done with it. I have some great ideas of how I should fill in the "empty" middle spot of the map.
I hope you don't mind me using the Progress Bars. It seemed like the best way to show how Obsidian is doing at just a glance.
