Pokemon Pokemon In Italy?


Extra Spicy
So.. I am going on a trip to Italy in 6-8 weeks, and I was wondering about Pokemon there. Are the cards/ video games in Italian? Is there league there? If cards/ video games ARE in Italian, would anyone on here be interested in trading for them?
I'm assuming there is that kind of stuff there. I wouldn't know for sure though. But I was recently in France and Germany and they did have pokemon stuff and I bought some foreign cards and whatnot. I'm betting Italy has stuff considering how internationally popular pokemon is.
I'm pretty sure there are cards and games for sale in Italy as much as any other country that deals with foreign companies (i.e. Nintendo being stationed in Japan, and doing business in countries worldwide). I'm not sure about leagues, but you could try doing some research via Google or Bing to see what you find (I found a couple English sites that had links to Italian websites for Pokemon events, but I'm not sure how helpful those would've been as I don't understand the language myself and they may have been for things other than League events).
Pokémon media in Italy is printed/translated into Italian (i.e. Pokémon Bianca e Nera, titles, dialog, card text, etc.), however unlike some European countries like France and Germany, the names of Pokémon themselves aren't localized, and instead English is used. So for example, while Fasasnob is German and Mimitoss is French, in Italian you'd see the familiar names Unfezant and Venonat, respectively, just like on any other American/British/Australian/etc. game, card, or anything else (I think Spain and Latin America use this same approach to an extent). However, other names, such as locations and a few human characters, do get localized specifically for Italy, with some names having common meaning in multiple different translations despite different syntax. For example, Lilycove City translates to Porto Alghepoli, literally meaning "Port of Seaweed-city," with "poli" being a common suffix because it denotes a city (as opposed to "cittá," which is nonspecific), like "ciudad" in Spanish; May translates to Vera, derived from the word "primavera," meaning spring.

If you're looking for Pokémon-anything in Italy, the best (or perhaps only) place to go would be commercial hubs in Rome, as the capital is not surprisingly the city with the most investment in foreign industries, Pokémon being included in the American entertainment industry's imports/influence, which in itself is an import from Japan (there's a chain of command that has to do with cultural/popular ubiquitousness and hence profitability). However, aside from maybe other industrial cities in the North (namely Milan and possibly Florence), I really doubt you'd find anything of substantial interest. Heck in Sicily, forget about Pokémon, they probably still don't know what radio and running water is (I can say that 'cause I'm half-Sicilian :p). If you're looking for competitive TCG, I don't know where you can find specific leagues, however they do exist; the VGC's Italian qualifiers are always held in Rome, so I'd imagine it's held competitive TCG as long or longer. It's unfortunate though, because in modern business Europe is becoming more and more of a unified "country" (i.e. EU), with each country including Italy becoming "states" like in the U.S. because many feel their individual economies are too insignificant to stack up to America and China in the arena of global interests, and hence commercial institutions like Pokémon don't bother investing heavily in one European country when they can make more money spreading resources more sparsely over the whole continent. That's why in Italy, you'll find stuff, just not as much, and the icon of Pokémon is much less prominent, to the anger and frustration of its Italian fans, who are as die-hard as any Pokémon fans in any country. If you go to places like Israel and Latin America, it's even worse because of these business intentions.

That being said, dove vai nell'Italia? É un paese molto brillante e bello, inutile dire che avrai un stomaco pieno :D. Even if Berlusconi is worthy of titles far too inappropriate for use on this forum…
FlamingDriscoll09 said:
So.. I am going on a trip to Italy in 6-8 weeks, and I was wondering about Pokemon there. Are the cards/ video games in Italian? Is there league there? If cards/ video games ARE in Italian, would anyone on here be interested in trading for them?
Theres no reason for them, not to have it. Pokemon is a widely know game, so I'm pretty sure they would have some form of it. Even though it'd be in Italian.
Well I was not aware of that much but, I was recently in Germany and France and they did have pokemon stuff and I bought some foreign cards and whatnot. I am betting Germany has stuff thinking about how internationally popular pokemon is.
Oh yeah, if you want FD09, I have some rare Italian cards I'd let go for almost nothing. (Gengar Prime and more.) I also have sealed Italian packs.
You can play English cards anywhere within Europe, although you may need a translation. Italy does have an OP base, but like most countries, there are places which have no activity, and others where there's a lot. If you're sticking to any of the major cities then you should have access to some, although I don't know if you'll be able to catch a tournament while you're there.
As far as I know, cards are globally printed for every set. Italy is one of many European countries to sell cards. Cards are naturally in Italian, though, or the language of whatever country you're buying them from. Hope this helps anyone in doubt.