Pokemon Key Board Art Contest-

Don't really see why the judges didn't think that Cherubi wasn't awesome... Anyway, the next round has officially begun, so we need three more entries. You have untill Saturday.
Ok, front page update.

Mewtrick has a slight lead over Bubba, and Piplup and Beachdudebulbi are struggling to keep their heads above water. All though the competition is young, it still is anyone's game!

Remember, the next challange ends Saturday, and you must do a legendary pokemon other than Unown.
They are all pretty good. I still don't know how that generator works. lol

Anyway, if you want to post some of your work here, go ahead.

Remember, Saturday is the deadline.
Choice of Art: [10/10]
Mesperit was a good choice. Not too hard to make, yet not too easy. It is a rather eligant pokemon (well, not if you play the PMD2 games).
Relation to challange: [10/10]
It fits the specs.
Spacing/Postioning: [17/20]
You lost some points here. The eyes don't really seem to be centered correctly, and her "head" is a bit tilted to one side. Also, one side of her "head" is bigger than the other.
Symbols Used: [18/20]
A lot of dashs used. All though I did like the idea of using an "I" for the eye. Very Punny!
Size: [10/10]
Perfect Size
Effort: [7/10]
I can see the effort in this piece, but it seems like it was a little hurried. You may have done better if you spent a little bit more time on it.
Symbol Count: [10/10]
130 symbols 'ain't bad. A suitable amount.
Total: 93/100

Only asperation got points this round.

Next Round: Make one of the Stage 2 starter pokemon (ie, Torterra, Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Charizard, etc.)
Deadline: Next Thursday
Extra Points: + 2 for the first person to submit there piece (will be added to total points)