Pokemon Pokemon Live action

does anyone speaks spanish????
i'm gonna write in spanish & english... (if u know spanish i think u will understand me easier)

si hicieran una pelicula de pokemon reales para que resultará buena, realmente buena, aunque sea para niños deberían:
- No incluir muchos pokemons ,100 a lo más.
- Debe ser producida, dirigida por japoneses (Nintendo)
- Debe hacerse en algunos años más para que asi tengan mas realismo
- Los pokemon deberán tener pelos, plumas o lo que sea. No son pelados.

Eso es los que se me ocurre por ahora..xD..


if they're gonna do a movie with real pokemon on the play. If they want to do it good, i mean very good, very very very good. Even if it gonna be to a child public. There must be a few kind of "Rules":

- There must not be many creatures "pokemon" , with 100 it's gonna be fine.
- Must be produced and directed by japanese people, from nintendo.
- It can be done now, the best is to make it in a few years from now. so the spe. effects'd be the most real posible.
-the pokemons must have hair, plumas (hair of birds), or anything on their skin. They are not bald.

This last thing could be a little hard to do and to "acostrumbrarse" but it will help.
Why so few Pokémon? If you're going to make a movie, it'd be three hours tops, and you woudn't really need more than 20 or so for the story, but you could still have loads in the background and such.