Writing Pokemon Marines.

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Aspiring Trainer
I made this story for PC 2. This is also my first real fanfic....so It might not be that good. XD


“Zangoose, do you read me.” Misdreavus’s voice came through the communicator.


“Good. The east entrance looks like our best bet. There are only eight guards there.”

“Great. I’ll send Rhydon and Sandshrew down there now. Wartortle and I will look for the underground entrance.

Zangoose turned to his men. “Rhydon, Sandshrew, go meet Misdreavus by the east entrance.”

“Yes sir!” they replied.

Zangoose motioned to Wartortle, as Rhydon and Sandshrew made their way over the hill towards the east entrance.

Wartortle followed them with his eyes. “Are you sure it was a good idea to take the kid?”

“He can handle it. Sandshrew came up faster than any of us,” said Zangoose.

“Ok……I just don’t want this mission to turn out like the last one,” replied Wartortle.

“Last time we weren’t prepared. We underestimated Weavile.”

“I know......I just don’t want to lose another one of our men.”

“What happened to Lucario last mission was a mistake……He didn’t know what he was doing. He was our last chance, Wartortle…..We had to bring him up, even if he was ready or not. For now we just need to focus on this mission.”

Zangoose and Wartortle started up the hill in search of the underground entrance.

Meanwhile Rhydon and Sandshrew met up with Misdreavus at the east entrance.

“Bout time you got here.”

“We got here as fast as we could,” said Sanshrew.

“Ok let me give you guys the details. There are eight Toxicroak guards. Six with machine guns, and two with sniper rifles.”

“The snipers are on the roof?”


Misdreavus, Sandshrew, and Rhydon loaded their M16 battle rifles.

“When I give the signal, Rhydon, you take out the four guards on the left. Sandshrew, you take out the two on the right. I’ll take out the snipers.”

Misdreavus took aim. *Smack* One of the snipers fell to the ground. Before the other sniper even had time to react, he was on the ground……dead.

“Now!” cried Misdreavus.

Rhydon and Sandshrew jumped out from where they were hiding, and started shooting the remaining guards. They were successful. All of the guards dropped to the ground.

“That was easy,” said Rhydon.

“It won’t be this easy once we’re inside. I’m sure there are over 100 guards in there.”

“You’re probably right, Misdreavus,” said Sandshrew.

While Misdreavus, Rhydon, and Sandshrew successfully got into the east entrance, Zangoose and Wartortle were making their way to the underground entrance.

“Misdreavus, did you get in?” asked Zangoose through his communicator.

“We did. Did you find the underground entrance?”


“Great. We created a big enough distraction to buy you guys some time.”


Zangoose and Wartortle lifted a rock revealing an underground entrance with a ladder leading down into a small dark room.

“Well there it is,” Said Wartortle.

“Put on your night vision goggles, Wartortle. We won’t be able to see a thing down there.”

Zangoose and Wartortle put on their night vision goggles and head down the ladder. When they got down, they threw their backpacks on the floor.

“Look for a door,” said Zangoose.

“Here it is.”

Wartortle opened the door. Inside there were over 50 Toxicroak guards wearing hazmat suits, and taking a yellow colored liquid from huge machines and pouring it into metal barrels.

“Well I think we found Weavile’s poison source,” said Wartortle.

“Look’s like we did.”

“What are we going to do?”

“We need to get rid off it.”

“And how are we supposed to do that? There are about 50 guards out there. We can’t take all of them by ourselves.”

“Maybe Misdreavus can give us one more distraction.”

Misdreavus, Sandshrew, and Rhydon start down a narrow hall in the east entrance of Weavile’s base.

“Hmm….weird…..I don’t see any guards,” said Sandshrew.

“This is weird,” replied Rhydon.

“Don’t get too comfortable. There could be guards any where,” said Misdreavus.


“What was that?”

“I don’t know, Sandshrew, but get out your weapon,” said Rhydon.

“Hello, everyone! Welcome to the party,” said Weavile sarcastically.

“Weavile!” cried Misdreavus.

“Did you miss me?”

“No!” shouted Misdreavus.

“Haha. Now where are the other two?”

“They’re not on this mission,” said Misdreavus.

“That’s unlikely. Well, that’s enough chit chat for now. Put down your weapons or we will shoot you.”

Misdreavus, Sandshrew, and Rhydon put their weapons on the ground and kicked them to Weavile’s guards.

“Now we all know that’s not all you have. Guards! Check them for any other items they have.”

Weavile’s guards checked Misdreavus, Sandshrew, and Rhydon, and took their grenades, communicators, and pistols.

“There we go. Now take these three and show them to the prison cells.”

Weavile’s guards took the three marines down the hall to the prison cells. The cells had no openings and looked more like closets made of steel than prison cells. The guards shoved the three marines into three different cells.

“Try and get out of these,” said one of the guards sarcastically.

Back in the underground entrance, Zangoose and Wartortle are trying to reach Misdreavus on their communicator.

“Why isn’t she answering?” said Wartortle.

“I don’t know. Wait! I think I here something.”

“Hello Zangoose,” said a familiar voice.

“Weavile!” How did you-”

“Find your three friends? Well, Zangoose,….they found me. My guards are coming to get you. So if I were you, I would start to run. Goodbye, Zangoose.”

“No!” cried Wartortle.

“Weavile still doesn’t know where we are. We still have a chance to get out of this.”

“Well……We can’t go through the door…That’s suicide.”

“Looks like we’re going to have to find another way in.”

Zangoose and Wartortle head back up the ladder, and start looking for another way in.

“Crap! There are guards everywhere,” said Wartortle.

“Looks like it’s time to go bezerker! Get your gun out….you might need it!” shouted Zangoose.

“What about our backpacks?”

“Leave them. They’re too heavy. They will just slow us down.”

Zangoose and Wartortle jumped out of the underground entrance, and started shooting everything in sight.

“Get them!” cried one of the guards.

“Make you way to the east entrance! That’s where Weavile captured Misdreavus, Sandshrew, and Rhydon. They’re probably holding them there,” shouted Zangoose.

The two marines made a mad dash for the east entrance while trying to dodge hundreds of bullets.

“Ahh!” shouted Wartortle as a bullet grazed his left arm.

“Hang in there buddy! We’re almost there!”

Zangoose and Wartortle were shooting like crazy, leaving no guard alive.

Finally they made it. But it wasn’t over yet. There were still 5 guards standing inside the entrance. Zangoose and Wartortle shot down 3 of them before they were both shot in the chest. They fell to the ground bleeding heavily. Weavile appeared from behind the two guards.

“So close, but yet so far. Hahaha. You two didn’t actually think you were going to get past my guards did you?”

In the cells, the three marines started looking for ways to get out. The cells were close together, so they could hear each other through the steel walls.

“Can you guys hear me?” said Misdreavus.

“Yes,” they both replied.

“We need to find a way out of here,” said Misdreavus.

“We can’t. These walls are made out of steel….It’s impossible to break them without a grenade,” said Rhydon.

Back by the east entrance, Weavile’s guards had taken Zangoose’s and Wartortle’s weapons.

“I think it’s time you two join your friends in the cells,” said Weavile.

Weavile’s guards took the two marines and headed down the hall to the cells. Wartortle and Zangoose were bleeding badly. When they had reached the cells, the guards threw them into the the cell next to Misdreavus. Misdreavus noticed that the guards had opened another cell. She knew Zangoos and Wartortle were the ones being put in it.

“Are you guys ok?”asked Misdreavus.

“No. We both took a hit to the chest. We’re bleeding pretty badly. Wartortle is unconscious,

“Do you think he’s going to make it?”

“I’m not sure.”

A few minutes later Weavile’s guards came in to each cell and handcuffed all of the marines.

“Bring them out! I think it’s time to test our poison.” ,said Weavile.

The guards brought out the five marines.

“Well, Zangoose, would you like to be our first customer?” said Weavile sarcastically.

Weavile took a cup of poison and started lowering it towards Zangoose’s mouth. Right as it was about to touch Zangoose’s lip, Wartortle woke up and kicked the glass of poison over Weavile and his guards.

“Ahhhh!” cried Weavile and his guards as the poison dripped down their faces.

“Nice job, Wartortle!” shouted Sandshrew.

“Quickly, everyone, run!” shouted Rhydon.

“Wartortle is too weak, he can’t run.” ,said Misdreavus.

“I’ll carry him,” said Zangoose.

Zangoose threw Wartortle over his shoulder. Then they started to run.

The five marines didn’t get far before they met up withtwo guards. One of the Toxicroak guards took a shot at Rhydon. Rhydon jumped out of the way and fell to the ground hard. *Crack* The cuffs came undone. Quickly, Rhydon threw his broken handcuffs at one of the guards. He knocked the gun right out of the Toxicroak’s hand. He then ran over to grab the gun. He was about to pick it up when the other guard shot him in the right shoulder.

“Ahh!” cried Rhydon.

That didn’t stop him. He picked up the gun and fired a shot at both of the guards. He hit both of them. They fell to the ground dead.

“Wow! That was amazing!” shouted Sandshrew.

“Quick everybody, come here. I’ll shoot your handcuffs off,” said Rhydon.

After Rhydon had shot off the marines handcuffs, they started running for the door.

“We need to blow this place before we leave!” shouted Misdreavus.

“Here, Rhydon, take Wartortle.” said Zangoose.

Zangoose handed Wartortle to Rhydon. Rhydon threw him over his shoulders.

I think I have an idea,” said Zangoose.

They started running towards the underground entrance. When they got there, Zangoose and Misdreavus climbed down the ladder. The other three marines waited outside.

“How is this going to help?” said Misdreavus.

“When Wartortle and I were here, we left our backpacks because it would slow down our running.

“Ya…so?” replied Misdreavus.

“Well…Our backpacks have over 20 grenades in them. If we toss these grenades into Weavile’s poison machines, it just might create a big enough explosion to destroy the entire building.

Zangoose and Misdreavus took the backpack full of grenades and brought it over to Weavile’s largest poison machine.

“Where are all of the guards?” said Misdreavus.

“Probably looking for us.”

“Quickly, Misdreavus, pull the pins to the grenades and start tossing them into the machine.”

Zangoose and Misdreavus startred tossing grenades into the machine.

The machine caught fire and started rumbling.

“Run, Misdreavus!”

Zangoose and Misdreavus started back up the ladder.

“This place is going to blow! Quickly, everyone, make your way to the hill!” cried Zangoose.

The marines darted to the hill. As soon as they reached it, the base exploded.

“Ya! We did it!” shouted Sandshrew.

“Guys,” said Rhydon.

“What?” they replied”

“It’s Wartortle…..I don’t think he’s going to make it.”

“Come on, buddy, you can make it. We’re heading back to our base now. We can get a doctor to help you,” said Zangoose.

“Guys….I’m not going to make it. It has been my pleasure serving with all of you…..”

That was the last thing Wartortle said. As the marines looked over Wartortle’s body, tears filled their eyes.

“No, Wartortle, it was my pleasure serving with you,” said Zangoose.

Rhydon picked up Wartortle’s body. The four Marines headed back to their base. The mission was a success. They destroyed Weavile’s base…..but…. they lost a friend.


Please let me know what you think.

I read it. It is alright. Nothing too special. But it was good. By the way, if Rhyhorn is made of rock, why didn't the bullets bounce off :F
PokeLen said:
But it was good. By the way, if Rhyhorn is made of rock, why didn't the bullets bounce off :F

Its called willing suspension of disbelief....when reading fiction, believe that anything could happen. :]

Wow you need to read the rules. Also NCIS <3
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