pokemon md and a johto ep

Shade Daroach

there was an johto ep of pokemon and ninetales had cursed some trainer and it was stuck in its pokeball.in pokemon md theres the gadevior,ninetales and gangar thing.
your guys think theres a cenection????
its when there traviling johto dotn know the name dont no number.
ill describe though.
the gang ran out food and find a house.
they go in and find a woman.
there is a ninetales misty is curios about.
woman tells story of ninetales.
woman disapers and they find out it was a hologram made form ninetales.
there is a cursed pokeball that ninetales is stuck in.
brock braks it and ninetales romes free.
ninetales goes up a "frozen mountain"
the end
Oh! I remember that one! Yeah that is interesting... I actually thought about that when I played the game since both Ninetales are like 900 years old.
"pokemon mysterous dungeon."

It's. Not. Mysterious. DUNGEON!!! IT'S MYSTERY!!!!
Sorry, I've seen people call it that everywhere.

Anyway, That's really weird! I didn't really watch the Johto season for some reason...