Finished Pokemon Midnighters

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Aaron yells at her, "GET GOING! WE CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE YOU!"

He pulls his knife with a 13 carved on it. He takes an overhead slice at a dark being that was about to kill Gwyn. It fades to dust. Aaron lunged at another. "HURRY!" He then attempted to boost her emotions so she would hopefully feel hope, and move...
'Ruffle Ruffle'
*What is that noise?*
Dark walks to the end of the airplane...
He opens the bathroom to see a clearly pregnant woman
*Oh no...*
"Help! I'm having my baby!"
*I thought Twitchy said only certain people can move?*
*This is gonna scare me....*
He grabs the lady and helps
----Skip for obvious reasons----
----Skip some more----
----Went to far forward :p----
"Congratulations... It's a boy..."

Edit; Ninja'd and you guys ruined it D:
OoC: How did you guys get on the plane o.0

In: "It's... beautiful!"
Wow. None of us are on the plan, Shoyru just said that to be funny.

*gulps down the water easy*
"Ashley, do you think you can handle my wounds?"
I don't exactly want a male messsing around with my wounds...
"Sure, hand me the first aid kit."
"Go watch tv or something, you guys! At least give her her room and get out of here, please!"
"Now this might hurt a little..."
*A little while later I am done.*
"That is the best I can do."
Dark helps the lady and her baby up
"So... why are you moving?"
"Excuse me?"
Woman:"Oh that's right, it is the midnight hour! I guess he will be a midnighter too! I'm Mari, by the way."
Gwyn:"Thanks Ashley. I suppose I will just have to wait for hospitals to do the rest.."
OoC: ...
Main Entry: con·fu·sion
Pronunciation: \kən-ˈfyü-zhən\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century

1 : an act or instance of confusing <confusion of the issue>
2 a : the quality or state of being confused <try to relieve their confusion> b : a confused mass or mixture <a confusion of voices>

— con·fu·sion·al \-ˈfyüzh-nəl, -ˈfyü-zhə-nəl\ adjective

IN: "I owe twitchy a apology!"
*I ain't given that weirdo no apology*
"I should have believed him..."
*I should have punched him in the face!*
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