"Once we defeat the slithers...if we manage to defeat the slithers, we will be able to have the midnight hour all by ourselves, with no harm to come. We can be rulers of the night, and do whatever we want."
Dark begins to have a dream
???: "Hello Dark"
Dark: "Where am I... Kuon? Is that you. How are you speaking English?
Kuon: "No Dark, your speaking Chinese."
Dark: "认真?你翻译吗?尼斯找到一个翻译工作"
Dark: "我在哪里?你要告诉我在哪里啊!等待这是一个梦想...我可以做任何我想要...我要去玩彩票。"
Kuon: "Dark, I do not speak Chinese... so shut-up!"
Dark: "因此,我可以跳楼摩天大楼?"
Kuon: "Dark... You have to destroy the hour!"
Dark: "你说什么?"