BW/BW2 Pokemon Musical discussion


Aspiring Trainer
So, we have a new game to replace the contests or Pokeathlon - Pokemon Musical.

What are your thoughts on how it will work?

- Will certain pokemon like Chatot or Whismur have an advantage?
- How will armless pokemon use musical instruments? :p
- It looks like accessories attach themselves in a fixed position on every pokemon?
- Was it said somewhere that it will be a simplified game?

Opinions please!
i really like the Pokemon Musical, it is different then the others, finally we get something new
Once I get through the E4, I'm gonna enter ma Meditite, and watch her dance, and sing, and throw canes around. :33
But ANYWAYS, I actually like the idea of Pokemon Musicals. I'm not sure if it'll be better than the original contests (contests in D/P/Pt had too much stuff added into it), but I'm sure I'll give them a try every now and then. :)
I like the music idea better then the contests, they contests always annoyed me. At least musicals can be funny, and aren't needlessly complicated and convoluted like contests. And yes, they said that the musicals will be made easier for children, which I like. Those contests made no freaking sense.

I'm totally gonna watch Hypno dance around with a cane and top hat and hopefully a monocle *-*
I like this idea more than contest and the other I can't spell in HGSS XD
I think its because of all the hard work in contest AND the other! It doesn't look like there is something hard about this (yet) :3
LOL! The Pokeathalon was actually really fun. It was hilarious how I had no idea how to play, and my Croconaw got smacked around by random Pokemon. xD The Pokeathalon was hard, though... >.> ...And confusing at times.
I prefer this over contests a million times more
i hope its simple but addicting and fun
ManhattanTheStarr said:
LOL! The Pokeathalon was actually really fun. It was hilarious how I had no idea how to play, and my Croconaw got smacked around by random Pokemon. xD The Pokeathalon was hard, though... >.> ...And confusing at times.

What is it though, like, a race or something? and what game is it in?
Tarazuma said:
What is it though, like, a race or something? and what game is it in?

Its like the olympics pretty much a bunch of diffrent mini games
like racing, soccer, capture the flag, snowball fight, stuff like that
Its in Hg/SS
Tarazuma said:
What is it though, like, a race or something? and what game is it in?

The Pokeathalon was a contest-like thing where you can participate in various events. There was the Hurdle Dash, the Ring Drop, Relay Run... a whole bunch more, really. It was featured in HG/SS, btw. :3
Great, more of a reason to by HG now...that actually sounds kinda fun. I was already considering buying it because of Hypno and my other favs. I mean, I have the rom and an acekard, but I prefer buying the game if I'm gonna play it for real.
Tarazuma said:
Great, more of a reason to by HG now...that actually sounds kinda fun. I was already considering buying it because of Hypno and my other favs. I mean, I have the rom and an acekard, but I prefer buying the game if I'm gonna play it for real.

I suggest you buy it. It's SO fun (not just the Pokeathalon). But once you beat the E4, all the excitement just dies... There's nothing to do afterward. =/
Well, there's catching Pokemon, that's what I did in the original Gold. I enjoyed it, even capturing the 3 mystic beasts, as difficult as it was. Idk, maybe it will respark that sense of adventure in me o.o The first and second gen Pokemon are worth it to me. I'd never go through that kinda trouble for anything in G4, mind you XD
I'll be satisfied with the Pokemon Musicals once I can put Machamp, Dialga, Garchomp, and Tyrannitar in top hats and canes and make them dance a couple numbers ^_^
SinnohTrainer17 said:
I'll be satisfied with the Pokemon Musicals once I can put Machamp, Dialga, Garchomp, and Tyrannitar in top hats and canes and make them dance a couple numbers ^_^

Pokemon musicals starring miley fudging cyrus!