Writing Pokemon: Mystery Dungeon Grand Journey! 7 chapters done! Looking for a good spriter!!!


I'm back
Okay first, this is a story that is kind of like mystery dungeon light and dark (which is coming out, hopefully, soon)
Chapter one:The Storm
Boom! Crack!
The lightning storm raged on that night. The Arbok lead its group of Ekans into a tunnel. The Mankeys and Hoothoots hid in trees. A town nearby was nearly abandoned except for two pokemon. Lombre and Pikachu were stuck in a house. The house was under several fallen trees. The two pokemon hid in the corner.
Then there was a crash, and another, and another, another. The door busted open. There in the doorway was Raikou. "Come on," it said. Without a word the Pkiachu and Lombre followed it. "Get on."
Pikachu jumped on first. Lombre, a little unsure, followed suit. Raikou ran off, fast. Soon, they were far away from the town.
"What caused that horrible storm?" asked Pikachu.
"I don't know," said Raikou.
Raikou leaped on through the ruined pokemon village. Scared pokemon hid in the ruins of houses. Past the village was a large field. About a mile into the field Raikou stopped.
"Why did you stop?" asked Pikachu, worried.

Chapter two:Battle in the Field
"Get off," barked Raikou. The two pokemon on its back jumped off. Raikou ran to the pokemon in the field, but before he made contact a powerful shock of lightning shocked him back. Zapdos didn't even move.
That is when Pikachu noticed that the Zapdos was different. What was it...Pikachu thought...aha it's red! "Raikou the Zapdos, it's red!
"Yeah. I noticed," said Raikou as he leaped again. Once again he was shocked back. That's when it clicked. "It's being controlled by a ghost pokemon. I don't know which, but it must be powerful."
Raikou leaped at it again, but when the lightning bolt came he used thunder to knock it away. This time he made contact, knocking Zapdos over a foot, before he bounced back. That was enough though. He had broken the Zapdos's consentration. Zapdos turned to face him. A Drill Peck launched Raikou back several feet.
As the battle continued pikachu and lombre ran throught the field to help Raikou. When they got there Raikou was knocked to the ground. Pikachu ran to Raikou. "Are you okay?" asked Pikachu.
"I'm badly hurt, but I think he is, too. If we work together we can beat it." With that Raikou stumbled to his feet. Lombre used Nature Power. A ball of energy turned into sharp blades of grass and launched at Zapdos. Zapdos easily deflected it with a small Thunderbolt. At that time Pikachu used Quick Attack to bash into Zapdos. Followed by a Bite from Raikou.
That final attack combination knocked the ghost out of Zapdos. Pikachu only saw a large black blur as the ghost pokemon ran away. Zapdos returned to its normal color and flew away.
"Good job you two," said Raikou.
"Thanks," said Lombre and Pikachu together. They climbed back onto Raikou's back. A second later Raikou continued running through the field. Just as they came out of the field they heard a pokemon's cry from their left. Pikachu looked over to see a group of Pokemon huddled around something.
"Raikou, we should check that out," said Pikachu as the rain finally stopped. Raikou, in answer, ran over. What they saw shocked them.

Chapter three:A Pokemon in Need
Bellow was a pit and in the pit were four pokemon fighting. It seemed to be a three on one match of some sort, but it was brutle. The three Machops were teaming up on a poor Growlithe. The group of pokemon around the pit seemed to be cheering them on. Raikou roared loudly. They moved to the side and Raikou jumped down into the pit inbetween the Growlithe and Machop.
One of the Machop hid behind the others. One of which stepped forward. She said," This is not your place Raikou!"
"I've warned your group of slavers and fighters several times before. You will get no more warnings!" roared Raikou.
The girl Machop, Mache as she was called, ran to Raikou and delivered him a powerful Low Kick in the leg. In return Raikou used Thunder. Mache crumpled to the ground.
"Who's next?" The other two Machop ran forward and used Karate Chop, but before they hit Pikachu and Raikou used a team Thunder/Thundershock while Lombre used Nature Power. A big rock and two lightning moves shot the two Machops to the ground several feet away.
At that time five more Pokemon jumped down into the pit. Two Geodudes, a Weepinbell, a Zubat, and a Gabite, the leader of the group, and slaver of about ten pokemon. Raikou used Thunder on Zubat, quickly beating it, but then the two Geodudes bashed into his sides. Already weakened from the fight with Zapdos Raikou fell to his knees, before getting knocked out by Gabite who used Sand Tomb.
Pikachu and Lombre jumped out of the Sand Tomb's way just before it hit Raikou. Pikachu used Quick attack on a Geodude as Lombre used Nature power on the other Geodude. Gabite shot over to Pikachu and launched him into the air.
Pikachu landed with a thud. Gabite turned and rushed at Lombre who just finished off a Geodude. Before it got to it though a red blur ran in its way. Huh? thought Gabite before getting hit with an Ember in the face.
"Thanks," Growlithe told Pikachu and Lombre. Growlithe turned around and attacked Weepinbell.
Before long it was Pikachu, Lombre, and Growlithe versus Gabite.
Gabite used Sand Tomb. Lombre dodged it, but it knocked out Pikachu. Lombre used Nature Power and hurled a rock at Gabite who block it with his claws, and threw it back. Lombre was hit. Growlithe used Tackle. Gabite had no time to dodge and was knocked off balance. As he fell to the ground Growlithe used Ember.
Lombre got up and used Absorb. As Gabite cringed Growlithe finished it off.

Chapter Four: Fallen Warrior
About an hour later Pikachu awoke to see Raikou and the others eating. "What happened?" he asked.
Lombre answered," Growlithe beat them. It was awesome, too bad you were knocked out. So Growlithe what's your story?"
"I'd rather not discuss it," he growled.
"Oh, come on... Please," begged Pikachu.
"OH, FINE!" shouted Growlithe.
"Yeah!" they all shouted.
"I once was on the police squad. So one day, I came across the slavers. I wasn't a police anymore, but I still couldn't let them continue, but I was obviously outnumbered and caught. I was captured about a week ago. Every once in a while they hold a contest between the a slave and its slaver(s). If the slave wins it gets to go, but after being in such bad conditions it's hard to fight well, so nobody ever wins. Although if you lose..."Growlithe shuddered at the thought "...never mind."
At this point even Raikou was listening. Everyone groaned. "Please continue your story, please, please, please," begged everybody.
It was dark again. "Hey, what's that smell?" said Pikachu.
"Who cares," answered Growlithe.
"I do."
"It... smells...like...burning!" said an alarmed Lombre.
He looked over the edge of the pit. He was right. The forest nearby was on fire. "Ummmm, guys, the woods are on fire."
Raikou jumped out, quickly followed by the other two. Sure enough, Lombre was right. "Lombre, do you know any water attacks?"
"All I know is Water Sport, but that won't help much."
"Well use it, I'll look for help," said Raikou. The others stayed back as Raikou started his search. He didn't have to look far. At a nearby river he found a Buizel laying unconcious on the ground. He picked it up and ran back. As he did he noticed that it had a white fin, strange.
When he got back he dropped it on the ground and barked loudly. A moment later Buizel woke up startled. When he saw the fire he immediatelt used water gun to put it out. Laying by where the fire was, was a Vulpix.

Chapter Five: Vulpix
Pikachu ran to the Vulpix. Pikachu shook it. The pokemon's eyes slowly opened.
"What happened?! Where are they?!" Vulpix said frantically.
"What?" said Lombre."Slow down."
"Well, there were these three pokemon, they were..."
A few feet away something shot out of the ground making a dust cloud. Before the dust even cleared Pikachu was knocked several feet away into a tree, breaking it, by a hard cool hand.
A moment later the dust cleared, revealing three pokemon. They were Geodude, Charmander, and Croagunk. The one that had hit Pikachu was obviously Geodude.
"...Them." Vulpix scared ran behind Raikou.
Raikou stepped forward. "You three are going down. Thunder!"
All three, even Geodude, were hurt badly. Geodude was the first up, he aimed for Pikachu. As he ran(hovered, flew, or whatever they do) over he was intercepted by Lombre. "Oh, no you don't!"
As Growlithe ran over to help he was stopped by Charmander. "Nice try!" Charmander visciously scratched him.
All that was left were Vulpix, Buizel, Raikou, and Croagunk. Except Vulpix was still to weak to fight. Croagunk attacked Buizel.
Buizel quickly dodged it and countered with Water Gun.

Chapter six: A Base part:1
Lombre used Nature Power on Geodude. Geodude dodged it and countered with a strong Tackle. Lombre was knocked back several feet. Before he got back up Geodude Tackled him again.
Growlithe wasn't having much good luck either. Charmander used Ember just as Growlithe did. The two Embers collided. There was a small explosion. A second later Growlithe was struck by Ember.
Raikou and Buizel were having better luck, mostly because it was two on one, Raikou struck Croagunk again. Croagunk got up from the ground quickly. He took a deep breath. What's he doing? thought Raikou. The next moment it hit him, literally. The Fire Spin was unexpected. Buizel used Quick Attack, but just before hitting Croagunk, it jumped. Before Buizel could slow down his white head fin bashed into a tree, knocking him out.
At that time Lombre used Nature Power just as Geodude used Rock Throw. The two moves collided. A moment later lombre lay on the ground defeated.
Growlithe just earned a stroke of luck. He hit a tree with Tackle, on accident, but it was a weak tree and it fell... right on Charmander. As Growlithe turned around to get out of here before anything else bad happened Geodude Tackled him.
Raikou Bit Croagunk again, but this time he threw it into a tree. While Croagunk stumbled to get up there was-
A large shape burst out of the ground. "Finally," breathed out...none other than....the pokemon...Croagunk.

Meanwhile several miles away a lone Riolu walked away from Amber Cave. He was in search of food, which was hard to find in the barren wasteland surrounding Amber Cave. Oh well, he thought as he trudged onward toward the forest about a mile away. Maybe, hmmm...no, that won't work. As his tummy rummbled so did something else...the ground.

Chapter seven: A Base part:2
A huge Onix shot out of the ground. It was way bigger than any Onix Raikou had ever seen before. As it was coming out of the ground Croagunk had jumped onto its head. "Attack, Behemoth!"
Behemoth, the Onix, attacked with full force. Raikou quickly dodged it. Behemoth hit the ground head first, but instead of getting back up again it continued down creating a big hole. Geodude and Charmander saw this and jumped down the tunnel after them. I think that they are retreating, but I can't be sure, thought Raikou. He stood there on guard for several minutes before deciding that they had run.

Riolu was about to enter the forest when he heard another rummble. A mom ent later a huge Onix burst out of the ground about 10 yards away. Riolu jumped into a bush to hide. As he watched a Croagunk jumped off of the Onix and a Geodude and Charmander came out of the tunnel behind it. The Croagunk walked over to the Geodude and Charmander. Riolu strained his ears to hear. This is what he heard:
"...Raikou." A Geodude's voice.
"I...ow."A Charmander voice.
"Luckily...Behemoth...ere, said Geodude.
"I...Plan,"said Croagunk.
"What...it?" inquired Charmander.
"First...Behemoth...then...I will...armander will...finally Behemoth will...BAAM!...have it...plan." Croagunk finished.
"That's...idea, boss," said Geodude.
"What was that?" asked Geodude louder.
"What was what?" asked Croagunk.
"That sound."
Riolu caught his breath as Croagunk looked around...until his eyes fell upon a rustling bush as Riolu crawled away backwards. "Over there, in that bush over there!" shouted Croagunk who started running toward it. Riolu's rear came out first.

Raikou was about to wake them up, but decided not to, instead he walked off into the forest. They could protect themselves and he had some business to attend to, and it was urgent.But just incase..., he thought.

Growlithe was the first to wake up. He didn't notice that Raikou was gone and also didn't realize that they were surrounded by several pokemon slowly closing in...

Chapter 8 soon to come...

Remember the Ghost pokemon from the beginning, well I want to know what everyone thinks it is.

WHERE IT IS FROM (can leave blank):
I think I have enough characters for now. Don't forget that you can give ideas for places.

You can also give ideas for places.
Pokemon found there:
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

I have a couple of things to say.

1: Look over it again and say instead of 'The busted open' say 'The door busted open'.

2:Tell us it is a fan-fic about Mystery Dungeon

If you do these things and make the chapter longer in the process you will be set. And here is my pokemon.

Pokemon: Growlithe

Background: This vicious pokemon used to be an Officer Jenny's pokemon. He feels as if he is always in charge, and because of that nobody wants to be his friend.

Where it is from: Police pokemon

Special Characteristics: Has a scar on his forhead from a mysterious battle that he hasn't told anyone about yet.
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

I agree with bubba there are a few things that need to be done but if you add on it should work pretty well.

Background:Vulpix has a cautios additude but when the times comes vulpix can be a fierce fighter. Vulpix was owned by a trainer but was released when he thought vulpix should go to the wild to live with its own kind.
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

Good! It is going on pretty well, but I guess my Growlithe is not as vicious as I thought it was...umm...
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

Don't worry, he will be, it's just that at that part in the story he needed help.
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

wow this is good i put a character in a long time ago and kind of forgot about the fan fic but im glad i found it again i really like this!!
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

Okay. I answered them. And since you are on, are you going to make the next chapter?
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

I wanna put my character in :D

BACKROUND: An orphan, he was dead when he was born. They took him to a sacred pond, and pleaded with Arceus. Buizel was placed in the water and his head fin flooded with whiteness, and he awoke, alive and breathing.
WHERE IT IS FROM (can leave blank): A River, where a Buizel tribe abandoned him
SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS (if any): White head Fin
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

BACKROUND: He was captured by Pokemon and was taken away from his home. They left him in a cage to rot. One day he was looking up at the moon thinknig it was the last bit of light he would ever see until he heard a loud crash. He soon lost consciousness. When he awoke he was on the back of an Entei. He now lives in a cave.
WHERE IT IS FROM (can leave blank): Amber Cave Where he currently lives
SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS (if any): Able to use water attacks and loves being on the battle field.
(Good Please be Good)
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

AWSOME I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!! I cant wait to see what happens to me (vulpix)!!
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

POKEMON: Crogunk (Evil, Muhahahahahaha)
BACKROUND:Just another rich person looking for adventure on the wrong side.
WHERE IT IS FROM (can leave blank): Blank
SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS (if any):can use fire type attacks and likes to steal from banks.
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

Good an evil character. Guess what the ghost pokemon is? I don't know what it's going to be for sure yet.
RE: Vasoguardx's first fan-fic

Cool :D Will my character stay in the story and join the team D: