Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Journey to the Sea of Souls RPG

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"The same thing happened to your parents Garret, they devolved into Riolu, but I guess the energy wasn't enough, so they turned back into Lucario a few seconds later."
~Allure looks at Marrisa who is hungry~

Allure:"I left all of my experiments of evolution at the lab" *sigh*

~She turns to Garret~

Allure:"Well, no complaining, you'll have to get your powers back naturally"


Crimson:"So what are we going to now, that we found Mizutama?"

~Looks at mike and lump~
*Mike grabs ten berries and eats five of them. Since Lump is still off in his own world, Mike forces the other five into his mouth.*
"I don't know...I'm mean we're the neos...Are we going to look for Ho-oh or is that idea gone?"
Allure:"Oh, stop it garett, Depression isn't going to kill the other members"

~She doesn't see lucy and looks around~

~Crimson sits down and sighs~

Crimson:"Well, that was the plan....but we are pretty much and a weird stand by since Mizutama is you know KO'd"

~He looks at him snoring in the distance~

Crimson:"And I doubt he will go any where without his little friend Allure, lets go ask him"
"Wake him up with a berry. Excellent way to wake someone like that up, if I do say so myself."
*He is still cramming berries into his own mouth. He has given up on trying to feed Lump.*
Spring nodded and tiny plants grew out of the ground. The wove into a basket and Spring set the berries in it.
"Ok, let's ask."
~Allure looks at him~

Allure:"So what is it that you feel....."

~She takes out her sword~

Allure:"Unless you can answer me....I'm going to find Lucy"


~They walk over to Mizutama who is literately stuck in the ground for being so heavy~
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