Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Journey to the Sea of Souls RPG

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(bye, and Marrisa already ate something)
*Marrisa held out a small whitish thread.
"Ariados's thread. I managed to keep a snippet after encountering one. I knew our Croak was going back to his old place. So I tracked him."

*Notices Iecsh.
"Where are you going?"
*Two Minutes Later...
*Marrisa under a bush. Looking at the large building.
Looks like this is where he went to. I find it rather strange that someone from the organization knows my parents. There was nothing special about my parents... then again, nor am I anything unique either. Strange, I don't see any guar-
*An ice shard stuck the buch, two inches beside Marrisa.
"There's someone in that bush!"
How did they find me?! Where did that ice shard come from?!
*Does a quick glance around.
Ah, a scout tower. Gotta get outta here.

*Two Weaviles end up taking turns shooting ice shards at a piece of cloth in a bush as Marissa heads back.
*Arriving back, Marrisa raises an eyebrow.
"Ahem. I decided to take a good look at the place, and I'm glad to say that their defenses aren't that wonderful. About three or four keep watch from 70 ft high scout towers at a time. Their decection range is anywhere from 60 to 80 yards. You can just use Extremespeed and get to the door before they fire even the first shot."
"Ah. You might not have known, but Red is back with his cronies. I trailed him back to where he went."
*a Weavile fires an Ice Shard at him he does not move and it misses. charges up a focus blast that sends the Weavile flying*
*Shakes his head.*
"That's not how you fight these people..."
*Appears on Red's head.*
"What are you doing?!"
"I suppose not."
*Looks around.
"I should have asked earlier, but what are your goals? Do you simply plan to overthrow the Organization?"
"Yeah. Organization XIII used to stand for something besides evil. That changed when they teamed up with the Weavile... After I take down the Organization, I'll remake it like it was."
"I see..."
*Looks at Garret a little closer.
"No mean to insult, but you're rather cute as a Riolu."
"Um... Thanks, I guess."
*Lies on his back and watches the clouds.*
"At least devolving didn't bring back my blindness..."
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