Finished Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Journey to the Sea of Souls RPG

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*Mike follows and watches*

*To Garrett* "Hi! I've never seen you before! What's your name?"

*To Spring* "Err.. what are you sensing?"
*Grabs Spring and starts running. Stops in an alley.*
"It's ok... You're safe now..."
*Puts her down.*
"You ok?"
"Great. Now where did he go?"
*Some storm clouds start to come overhead.*
"And now it's raining. Anyway, come on Lucy I'll show you our room."
*Puts Spring down and goes back to the hotel. Jumps through the window into the kitchen and starts eating a Rabuta berry.*
*Fabel hears some crashes coming from the kitchen on the way up.*
"What was that?"
*Fabel runs into the kitchen to spot Garret.*
"Garret, there's something called room service. And rules. Rule 1. No stealing from the kitchen."
"... Sorry... Not exactly used to society yet..."
*Finishes the berry and follows Fabel back to the room.*
"So, what are our plans for tomorrow?"
"Hurry up and get out of here as fast as we can."
*Fabel goes into a lower whisper.*
"In fact, we leave tonight. The beast is here. I saw is eyes behind a shop today. he's been tracking us."
"... The Hunter... Wonderful..."
*Sighs and lies down in his bed.*
"I'll wake you guys when it's time to leave."
*Garret lies awake through the night. When it's time to go, he stands up and walks to Lucy's room. Gently shakes her.*
*Fabel runs into the room bursting after them.*
"Guys! It's in the hotel. Probably searching for us. We got to get out of here- "
*A loud noise is heard on the floor below them.*
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