Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Wonder Mail Factory!

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Normally, I would lock this for reviving a dead topic, but since Absol is still willing to do this, I will go ahead and keep it open. This thread really belongs in the Game Corner, though.

Absol, if you ever want to me to close this thread, just give me a PM and I'll go ahead and lock it.
I'd be willing to do this anytime, but i dont really see how it should be in the game corner. This thread is for ppl to request for wonder mail codes, so at most, it should be in the fan creations, but IMO it should stay here.
I don't really get how to enter them. I try entering them but it says that the codes wrong. Is there a speical thingg I need to have that I don't know or something?? also how can you get (m) and "--"?? The m can not be entered and there's only a "---" and a "-" so if anyone can help me PM me so absol doesn't get mad at me or something. See ya.

Pkmaster out.
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