Pokemon Pokemon or Pokeymanz???

Pokemon or Pokeymanz?

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RE: Pokemon or Pokeymanz?

Staraptor said:
safariblade said:
I have never heard anyone say pokeymanz. everyone I know says pokemon including my parents an adult relatives (if they even know what pokemon is)

Tbh, it's the same for me.

I have never called, nor have heard pokemon being called pokeymanz or anything of that sort.


Lol... for all my years through school teachers called them Pokeymanz. Even when it was wildly popular and you couldn't go somewhere without seeing something Pokemon. Hasn't really changed since. Its even commonly used in Pokemon internet memes so its kinda odd that you guys have never heard of it lol
RE: Pokemon or Pokeymanz?

I hear Pokemon way more than Pokeymanz. I also never used "Pokeymanz" until this post. I'm lame. :p
RE: Pokemon or Pokeymanz?

I've always said 'Pokemon'. Because I grew watching the anime. And that's how said it.
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