Pokemon Orano Version, In Serios Need of Spriters!

RE: Pokemon Orano Version

Water lion.....that sounds pretty good, but let's try something Water oriented. Like a sea-otter or a polar bear.
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

Dudeman1993 said:
Water lion.....that sounds pretty good, but let's try something Water oriented. Like a sea-otter or a polar bear.
King Deoxazard said:
well you see I'm planning charoo to be a fighting/fire type and charoo is suposeded to be like a fire kangaroo
is a kangaroo fire oriented?
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

I like the polar Bear Idea personally......I think we coulld make it sweet..... as far as the fire type..... I think we could make something way better.

Im gonna start postin new pokemon because he dosent reply to the important stuff so I guess I'll just post
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

Well I got the water starter worked out and I'll post a TEMPERARY sprite of it
EDIT: here is the TEMPERARY sprite
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

Oh yeah, so far its name is Blukitue (Blue-kit-oo) its suposed to be like a water cat thing.
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

See, I think the starter should be a polar bear or even a sea otter.....however I had a great idea for some new pokemon as well as a use for that pokemon......here it is.

That water sprite looks afually like Vaporeon and I think that it could be a pre-evo [like an eevee, but to get this pokemon ud need to trade Eevee with a Water Essence -New Item] Then, this pokemon could evolve into Vaporeon without a stone and with a different moveset and evolve to Vaporeon at lv 36? Then we could add an evo too, but it can only evolve from Vaporeon if it was obtained using the Water Essence. Same goes for the others [the what 6 more?] I think that we could work on that......as for the starter I'd like to make the name and moveset as well as evos and someone would need to make the sprites.

PLZ comment
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

soungds pretty good, so maybe if you traded it with the new item it would evolve into vapporeon, and if you just never did that it would evovle into a different pokemon or something, Quote From Spongebob: My brain just hatched an Idea!!!!
Quote From Dave the Barbarian: I new it happen to you someday!
:p What if we made an evolution of Vaporeon (and mabye the other Eevee evos) you now to go along with Bluekitue. :p
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

Well I use paint, maybe you should try it, but dont give up on it, because i have to admit, my first sprites were not that good :D
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

I made a Eeveelutions Map. Please tell me if you like it or if I should change anything.

You HAVE to follow the path of evolution for each Eeveeluiton (so a Eevee that evolved directly into Vaporeon can't evolve to a new Pokemon and same with all other Eeveelutions)

-The Guardian of the Sea
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

I really like it! Nice work! Maybe we should call the pre-evo fo Flareon Emboreon! Or the evo for that matter.
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

Thanks. That was actually my first piece of work!

-The Guardian of the Sea
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

Dude, That is AWESOME, with a capital A (even though its allready capitalized :p) have ever thought of spriting fakemon?
RE: Pokemon Orano Version

King Deoxazard said:
Dude, That is AWESOME, with a capital A (even though its allready capitalized :p) have ever thought of spriting fakemon?
No, I really haven't thought about faking, but I may start. How do you make the sprites? And I have an idea for the game. How about making 3 new Eeveelutions and pre-eeveelutions to go with them, giving Eevee a total of 20(!) evolutions including the pre-evolutions. I already made the new map, but is quite large, so it is attached so it won't stretch the page like crazy. Tell me if you like the idea and/or the map.

EDIT: I changed my first map to an attachment so it wouldn't stretch the page.

EDIT: The new map works like the old map; if Eevee will evolve, when it evolves, if the line continues, it has to follow the line. If the line ends, that is that Eevee's final evolution.

-The Guardian of the Sea


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