Welcome to my wonderful store! With my new upgrade, you guys will find things with greater ease!
FC: 0689 7560 8890
NOTES for later: Colosseum Swablu, Remoraid, and Vibrava. GAMESTP Jirachi, PKTOPIA Surfing Pikachu, and TRU Arceus
Current projects! This is for anything I will get soon. It may be ended early through your support. These will be caught on SoulSilver, my brother's game.
-Make an offer with each request.
-No spamming or flamming.
-Other rules:
-You get banned, you are blacklisted. This will only effect if you had business here before. Each blacklisting will be for one month.
Kamenblast- I have a 3 strikes method. 3 times, he posted ingrammatically. See you later! I will possibly think of letting him back January 2011. He needs to learn.
You are probably wondering what goes on here. Well, I allow for pokedex trades if you want to finish that thing like I recently did at an astonishing time of 358:48!
My lovely wants:
Quite simple really.
Shinies that I do not have.
Flychu and Surfchu
Events! (The more, the merrier!)
Massive wants!!! Anything you see here is worth at least the Shiny Latios from the Enigma Stone Event!
All VGC events missing
Daisuke and Saikyou events
The top 10 shinies I want:
1. Jirachi
2. Shaymin
3. Heatran
4. Deoxys (Got thanks to Alvin and the Minezumes!)
5. Ho-oh (Got thanks to Sharingandac!)
6. Kyogre
7. Groudon
8. Rayquaza
9. Vulpix
10. Spoink
At this time, you are probably thinking I will just break into shinies. The answer is NO. I have changed it greatly, making it set by regions! That's right: Isshu will join soon once it comes out in the U.S!
Kanto Shinies!!!
Kanto legends!!!
Articuno x4(See Rayquaza for training, changing UT to VERY slight touch, excluding fourth one) (Brave, Docile, Timid, and Lax)
Kanto Events!
Johto Shinies!!!
Johto legends!!!
Johto Events!!!
If you want to see Hoenn and Sinnoh along with Shar's part and the auction area, go to the next post.