This is a game me and RogueChomp made up. It may take a bit to explain, so feel free to ask questions.
The Field- Unlike a normal Pokémon game (Prizes, Bench, Active, Deck, Discard, Hand, Stadium, and Lost Zone), Pokémon Plateau uses a different kind of board. The board is a square grid (Best if 5x5 or 7x7, can be more) that has a spot for a Pokémon in each unit. There is also a Pokémon Deck and an Energy Deck. The Pokémon Deck has a select number of Pokémon in it (Usually between 20-45)(The players can decide how many). The Energy deck usally has about 15 of any combinations of energy. Players also have a hand of Pokémon and energy. This is important: Your deck is your discard pile and same with the energy deck. Example: When your pokemon is KOd, it goes to the bottom of your Pokemon deck, same with the energies.
Topping- This is the main rule of Pokémon Plateau. Topping allows you to put one of your Pokémon from your hand onto one of your opponent's Pokémon. To top, the Pokémon must have more base HP than the Pokémon you're topping's current HP. When you top, you get all the energy attached to that Pokémon to now be on your Pokémon (That you topped with)(Make sure you have a way to keep your cards seperated).
Attacking and Moving- During each turn, each of your Pokémon can attack or move to any of the 8 spaces surrounding it. You may move then attack, but not attack then move. You may only attack a pokemon withing 1 space of you unless the attack specifies "To the defending Pokémon" or "To a Benched Pokémon." However, once a Pokémon attacks, it can no longer use and PokePowers or Abilities.
During your Turn-
There are many things you can do during your turn. You can:
Attempt to draw:
To draw from each deck, you must flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, you draw from the deck you wanted to draw from. Ex. You say "I will draw for energy", then you flip the coins, say 3 heads, and you draw three energies of your choice from the energy deck. Energies and pokemon drawn are put into your hand.
Attach: To attach energies, you must flip a coin until tails once again. Each heads = one attachment to one of your pokemon. No heads.......rage quit.
Attack: As said before, you can attack any of the spaces surrounding you. You must have the energies necessary for the attack attached to the pokemon you want to attack with. Each pokemon can only attack once, exceptions being Raichu Lv.X's Link Lightning and alike Pokepowers, PokeBodies, etc. Remember: You can move then attack, not vice versa. After you attack, you can't use anything from that pokemon again. NO moving, evolving, Powers, Bodies, Abilities, etc.
Move: You can move one space to any of the spaces around you. Only one. No more.
PokeBodies/Powers/Abilities: You know. Just read it.
Benching: You can bench any pokemon (Basic or not). You can place it anywhere on the field. As broken as it seems, your opponent can do it to, so beware.
Evolving: Normal evolving rules. No evolving Turn 1. Only evolving to the correct stages.
Topping: You can top your opponent's pokemon only. Topping is thoroughly explaind above.
Banned List:
Shiftry RR Auto ban: It makes the game unfair and not fun
EXs/exs with more than 130 hp Auto ban: Lets make this fair kids. No bringing out them Kyurem EXs.
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums Choice, but they make the game a lot more difficult and confusing.
Venasaur Choice ban: High Hp, the ability to chain and get any pokemon, it can easily top all of your opponent's pokemon. It's a great card, but it just seems broken.
Suggestions will be added.
Other rules:
4-card rule stays
Survival: When all of your pokemon are gone, topped, or otherwise taken out, you may draw for pokemon. If you don't get one, you lose. It is your last resort.
Rage quitting is allowed.
When you top, damage is removed from the original pokemon. Ex. If a Tynamo has 20 damage on it, and I top it with Cleffa, the damage is removed.
This is a really fun game and we suggest you try it out. There are a lot of very good cards that would be otherwise terrible, like Vibrava RR, and Machamp GL, and it's a fun way to use extra cards to be useful.
I think the one problem with this game is it is EXTREMELY luck based. If you have any comments, ideas, or question feel free to ask.
The Field- Unlike a normal Pokémon game (Prizes, Bench, Active, Deck, Discard, Hand, Stadium, and Lost Zone), Pokémon Plateau uses a different kind of board. The board is a square grid (Best if 5x5 or 7x7, can be more) that has a spot for a Pokémon in each unit. There is also a Pokémon Deck and an Energy Deck. The Pokémon Deck has a select number of Pokémon in it (Usually between 20-45)(The players can decide how many). The Energy deck usally has about 15 of any combinations of energy. Players also have a hand of Pokémon and energy. This is important: Your deck is your discard pile and same with the energy deck. Example: When your pokemon is KOd, it goes to the bottom of your Pokemon deck, same with the energies.
Topping- This is the main rule of Pokémon Plateau. Topping allows you to put one of your Pokémon from your hand onto one of your opponent's Pokémon. To top, the Pokémon must have more base HP than the Pokémon you're topping's current HP. When you top, you get all the energy attached to that Pokémon to now be on your Pokémon (That you topped with)(Make sure you have a way to keep your cards seperated).
Attacking and Moving- During each turn, each of your Pokémon can attack or move to any of the 8 spaces surrounding it. You may move then attack, but not attack then move. You may only attack a pokemon withing 1 space of you unless the attack specifies "To the defending Pokémon" or "To a Benched Pokémon." However, once a Pokémon attacks, it can no longer use and PokePowers or Abilities.
During your Turn-
There are many things you can do during your turn. You can:
Attempt to draw:
To draw from each deck, you must flip a coin until you get tails. For each heads, you draw from the deck you wanted to draw from. Ex. You say "I will draw for energy", then you flip the coins, say 3 heads, and you draw three energies of your choice from the energy deck. Energies and pokemon drawn are put into your hand.
Attach: To attach energies, you must flip a coin until tails once again. Each heads = one attachment to one of your pokemon. No heads.......rage quit.
Attack: As said before, you can attack any of the spaces surrounding you. You must have the energies necessary for the attack attached to the pokemon you want to attack with. Each pokemon can only attack once, exceptions being Raichu Lv.X's Link Lightning and alike Pokepowers, PokeBodies, etc. Remember: You can move then attack, not vice versa. After you attack, you can't use anything from that pokemon again. NO moving, evolving, Powers, Bodies, Abilities, etc.
Move: You can move one space to any of the spaces around you. Only one. No more.
PokeBodies/Powers/Abilities: You know. Just read it.
Benching: You can bench any pokemon (Basic or not). You can place it anywhere on the field. As broken as it seems, your opponent can do it to, so beware.
Evolving: Normal evolving rules. No evolving Turn 1. Only evolving to the correct stages.
Topping: You can top your opponent's pokemon only. Topping is thoroughly explaind above.
Banned List:
Shiftry RR Auto ban: It makes the game unfair and not fun
EXs/exs with more than 130 hp Auto ban: Lets make this fair kids. No bringing out them Kyurem EXs.
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums Choice, but they make the game a lot more difficult and confusing.
Venasaur Choice ban: High Hp, the ability to chain and get any pokemon, it can easily top all of your opponent's pokemon. It's a great card, but it just seems broken.
Suggestions will be added.
Other rules:
4-card rule stays
Survival: When all of your pokemon are gone, topped, or otherwise taken out, you may draw for pokemon. If you don't get one, you lose. It is your last resort.
Rage quitting is allowed.
When you top, damage is removed from the original pokemon. Ex. If a Tynamo has 20 damage on it, and I top it with Cleffa, the damage is removed.
This is a really fun game and we suggest you try it out. There are a lot of very good cards that would be otherwise terrible, like Vibrava RR, and Machamp GL, and it's a fun way to use extra cards to be useful.
I think the one problem with this game is it is EXTREMELY luck based. If you have any comments, ideas, or question feel free to ask.