Pokemon pokemon posers.warning :sorda long post so


Aspiring Trainer
Have you ever went to league or a tourny or even some other place that evolves pokemon and seen a new comer .and you start talkin to them and they start goin on about how good they are or that they are the most best pokemon fan ever. I know i have and half of them most likley are makin stuff up and yes their is actually pokemon posers sounds weird their out their and im here to tell you the top 4things to look for in pokemon posers.start at 4 -1.
#4 the spoiled... not $
now this is where a poser says he has all these super awsome cards or dvds or even plushes of pokemon hes willing to trade.But strangley they say there at home evry time you ask them. hmm doesnt that sound fishy???

#3the know it alls
the poser that think they know evrything but they really dont.tthey just wanna look cool in front of evrybody.well wait until they get ask a question for help about pokemon and they dont have an answer.

#2 the hackers
now there alot of people that love the pokemon d&p games and maybe once and a while they use an ar for help like some new poke ball rare candy etc but there also hackers that think they are so pro in the game like have all ther pokemon as shiny have all the legendary pokemon and anything nearly impossble in the game.but the truth is they a ar pusher wich means they cheated evrything in and didnt even try to play the game without ever even trying.

#1 the over cofident
now this goes for the card game. now this one really pushes my buttons myself and probaly other people to.and this is where you have cocky players that only play little kids with no exp. and beat them and start bragin how good they are and makin the kids the person beat feel bad but when they step in the real matagame they gat puberized by the top players and even new people that stay focused on there deck and not on how many games they win at league.

so if you run into any body that acts in this way u just know they probably dont know what pokemon really is in wich it is a fun exciting hobby to do in extra time and make new freinds on the way.thanks for havin the time for readin this.please and thankyou=)
Hey, I can understand it, it only needs a little improving, and you made 2 mistakes from absolutely perfect in your post too, riskbreaker.

But on topic, no, you don't have to stop liking them, just go and insist they're wrong.
Count me in as being one of the "overconfident" at one time. However, I've made an honest effort at changing my ways, and I think it's working. Some people don't get or don't take that chance to change, and that's the real problem.
RunningWithScizors said:
Count me in as being one of the "overconfident" at one time. However, I've made an honest effort at changing my ways, and I think it's working. Some people don't get or don't take that chance to change, and that's the real problem.

okay well im not talking about that im talking about the people that sit at league and only play the little and unexperienced kids then beat them and brag on about how good they are and how evryone else stinks and make the people the person beat feel bad.becuase evry one in one point in time have been over confident but im talking about just plane raude and overconfident now does that clear anything up.???
You do make good points, but hackers and "posers" don't always act like that. It's sort of a moot point when you think of the battling community as a whole. But I guess if you do face a player who does act shady or noobish, they might be troublesome.
It is wrong for one of these so called new-comer "posers" to make other new players feel bad about themselves. However, I also think it bad when old players badmouth new-comers. Sorry, but we should be encouraging more people into the game. So I would not stop being friends with these people because even if they are over-confident (which can be very annoying) they may encourage more people to join the game. If they are upsetting people you should just encourage them to stop acting that way instead of not being friends with them (unless they are really nasty).
But I do know everything, have all Pokémon stuff and all Pokémon and all cards and all games and I am the best player in the world, I even won worlds in all 3 age categories for the last 5 years (you won't believe how many names I have), so why can't I brag? :(
(This is all fake, don't you dare believe me :S)
What's the point of this thread anyways? I guess everyone except for a serious noob can spot a poser on the spot.

BTW, yes, you might want to consider getting an online spelling checker or copying your posts to word, you make a lot of easily avoidable mistakes.
okay for the hundred time im not saying evry new comer is a poser or but some are and i encouarge anyone to start playing in fact i have gotten most of the kids at my local card shop to start playing and and i help them out by making decks and teaching them how to play and buetiful swablu i do have some nasty players at my league that i dont think they there to have fun instead of makin alot of the people depressed cuz they lose all the time and thats not right.
We are NOT talking about newcomers. We are talking about the point of your post.

And read properly for the right meaning in other posts.
Well, If I'm right, bragging rights are not illegal o_O and, people who won something, has BRAGGING RIGHTS. But I agree with some things you say, mostly not all new comers are posers, I've never become over-confident, until now, as a veteran in some games (Different GAMES not Pokemon, like Counter-Strike and DotA) I still comfort people by telling them I just won by full luck and I tell them they're better, I don't brag about my wins. But I do brag a little, what's a world without bragging? also, Bragging leads to fights *But that's a different story*
Im not a faker
4)I berl have any of those things
3)well I do know a lot(Iv been playing since I was 3 or 4 it was a long time ago)
2)Theres no way in the fiery place down under I would hack at a game anymore, my games are o'natural(exept my blue I was young)
1)Too be 100% honest, I suck at the TCG. I lose to little kids.(but most of them win tordaments) Im only good in pre-releases.