Writing Pokemon Returns A Fan-Fiction!!!! Please Comment

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Dude don't Lie I'm Awesome!
Hope You like my fan-fiction Pokemon Returns:

Introduction: Part 1​
Many years ago the world was inhabitted by creatures with phonomanal powers. We called them Pokemon. These creatures had the powers to cut trees, break and move massive boulders, climb gigantic mountains and waterfalls, and even surf on water. Some people even trained and battled with them as partners. Others even kept them as pets. But for some this power was too great...

Guess away what I'm going to do next...
RE: SnorlaxShamen's Fan-Fiction Pokemon Returns

Introduction: Part 2
Evil Orginizations began to form all over the globe. They caught and trained Pokemon to use their powers for their own twisted ways. And soon they found a way to artifically close the hearts of the Pokemon turning them into unstopable fighting machines. But even good things always come to an end...

Yes I know this kinda sounds like Pokemon Colloseum and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness but I can assure you it's not so I don't want to here that from any of you.
RE: SnorlaxShamen's Fan-Fiction Pokemon Returns

Is anyone out there...hello...anyone?

Introduction: Part 3​

After 2 years the Pokemon began experiencing strange behaveirs they began disobaying their mersilous trainers and attacking all humens they saw. So a band of Professers joined forces to create a Pokeball that could seal all of the "shadow" Pokemon. But it would take some time...
RE: SnorlaxShamen's Fan-Fiction Pokemon Returns

Introduction: Part 4
After 2 long years it was finished. The ball that would seal all the Pokemon of the world inside it. And in the end it was succesful. All Pokemon were sealed inside the ball...or at least the shadow hearted ones...but that was all of them. The scientists decided to hide the ball where no one would find it to prevent the darkness from taking over again; they all knew the location of the ball but as time passed their lives were ended. And as time passed we recovered from all of the devistation of the Pokemon and we began to realize that we needed Pokemon; we needed to have somthing that could give us a little fasination to ponder and think about and...for compaiononship(can't spell). So we set out to find the "ultimate shadow ball". But by then all the scientists had passed away. And so the search continues for the ball and so far no one has found it...

pokemonrandy said:
that's from xd you fool
yes I know I'm taking a little bit from XD pokemonrandy but as my story progresses there will be more original plot lines to the story.

Chapter 1 coming later today

Oh and now you can start giving me trainers for my story who will all be rivals to my main character Ken so you may begin posting trainer cards. I perfer if you use pokecharms.com.
RE: SnorlaxShamen's Fan-Fiction Pokemon Returns

Sorry I couldn't get this to you yesterday, I was too busy celebrating the end of school PokeStyle. But here it is for you.

Chapter 1​

"Ken...Ken...KEN GET UP!!" yelled Professer Aspen.

"Huh...what...who?" Ken sayed waking up puzzled.

"Did you hear any ounce of my lecture on the Pokemon?"
"Uh...Can't say I did Professer."
"Yes, Professer."
",see me after class."
"Ah, it is after class. Your all dismissed!" Aspen said to the other students in his class. "Except you Ken."
Ken walked to the Professer with frustration.
"This is the tenth time you've fallen asleep in my class what have you been doing?"
"Working with my Dad translating tablets."
"I see...well...tell you Dad you now have a 100-Page Paper about the legend of the Pokemon due to to me at the end of the summer!"
"Wait..,did you just say the LEGEND of the Pokemon."
"Yes, some people bealive that Pokemon did not exsit, and I am one of them. Now go home."
Ken rushed out of the classroom as fast as he could because it was summer vacation. It was time to have fun in the sun!
Chapter 2

"What do you mean we're not giong to have fun in the sun?" Ken asked his Dad Seth.
"We're headed to the Spear Pillar in the Shinoh Region to try and find The Chamber of the Shadow Pokemon!" Seth replied.

"I was hoping for a normal summer this year dad!"
"No one realy cares loser!" cried a voice.
"Why are you here Josh?" Ken asked as his snotty older brother walked through the door.

"Josh, is here to help us on this little expedition." Seth answered.
"Oh come on!!!!!!!" Ken exclaimed
"Is everything packed in the speeder Josh."
"Yeah boss!"
"Wait...BOSS!!!!" Ken said with his jaw dropped
"Yes, Josh is now working for me...now if only Sara and Steve were here we'd be on our way."
"Here we are!" cried Sara and Steve huffing and puffing.

"Sara..." Steve began
"Weeee!" Sara said giving him a dirty look, "Lost track of time and had to run all the way here."
"But...isn't your house right next door to ours?" Seth questioned
"....:l" They both didn't know what to say.
"Well any way let's all pile in the speeder and head off to the Spear Pillar and go and find that chamber!" Seth happily cried.
"Yeah!" Sara and Steve yelped with excitment.
Ken hopped inside thinking "Well another summer waasted by looking around a bunch of rocks. Yeah."
But what Ken didn't know was that his journey had just begun.

I can ashore you chapter three will be the action packed story that you want to see so please post:D
This is my longest chapter yet. So whoever views this, and you know who you are, PLEASE POST!!!!

Chapter 3

"Well, we're here." Seth said climbing out of the speeder.
"Chamber here we come!" Steve and Sara cried rushing out as Josh casualy exited the speeder.
"Where's the Beach?" Ken asked.
"About 2000 miles below you." Josh said.
"Hello, Aspen." Seth said.
"Seth, wasn't expecting you here." Aspen responded.
"Nither I Aspen." Seth replied.
"Alright, GO BULBASAUR!" Aspen cried.
"GO MACHAMP!" Seth cried.

"You don't know, your more pathetic than I thought."
"I'll explain Dad and Aspen use to work together as partners. They spent days on end reaserching. But as time passed Aspen began to beleave that cirtain Pokemon never exsisted and they were just a myth and of course Dad thought diffrent. And they've been Rivals ever since."
"Yeah but how do they have pokemon?"
"Some pokemon exscaped the powerful ball that sealed the rest of them inside I have one as well."
"Just shut up and watch the battle loser."
"Bulbasaur use Frenzy Plant!" Aspen cried.
"Dodge it Machamp!" Seth said.
Machamp was hit with the Frenzy Plant.
"Machamp...:(" Machamp cried.
"Well that's the battle Seth."
"Urrrrr, Machamp return."
"Well I'll be off Seth, HA HA HA!" Aspen said walking off.
"Urrrr, I can't bealive I lost!" Seth said.
Interesting,although it's lacking originalty in the storyline, as i've seen many a fic quite similar to this...

but good effort anyways...
Chapter 4: A Rematch
"You all right dad?" Ken asked.
"Yes son, I'm alright!" Seth replied.
"Hey Professer I think I found the ball!" Steve said.
"That's a rock." Seth pointed out.
"...:(" Steve was both imbarassed and disapointed.
"Professer I think I found...WOHHHHH!" Sara said heading head first into the chamber. "it!"
"Do you see a box Sara?" Seth asked.
"Yes but it's under a statue of a Scizor."
"Then bring the statue up!"
And sure enough there was a statue of Scizor right in front of Ken! Ken couldn't beleive his eyes.
"Here it is Professer." Sara said bringing up a box.
"Yes, it's in my hand after all these years!" Seth said opening the box. And inside was a ball so dark you would never be able to find it at night. "It's amazing!" Seth said touching it.
Suddenly a bust of darkness flashed and a swirling darkness engulfed Seth and it his place was a man with a black out fit and dirty blond hair. Seth had been transformed!
"ASPEN!!!!" Seth screamed. And sure enough Aspen appeared in a glowing darkness.
"What's going on? I was down at the bottom of Mt. Cornett and now I'm back up here!" Aspen exclaimed.
"Your here for a rematch!" Seth said holding up his Pokeball.
"Uh...fine!" Aspen replied.

"Bulbasaur use Frenzy Plant!" Aspen cried.
"Machamp dodge it." Seth said.
"Do you realy think that's going to work this time?"
"Yes." And sure enough Machamp easily dodged Bulbasaur's Frenzy Plant.
"Machamp let's finish this INFERMORY!" Seth cried.
"What?" Aspen said.
Machamp blasted a mighty beam at Bulbasaur engulfing both the Pokemon and it's trainer.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Aspen cried as the blast inialated him.
"Aspen!" Ken cried.
"What did you do to him?" Ken asked Seth.
"That is none of my conern." He replied.
"It should be!" cried a voice.
"Who said that?!" Seth asked.
"I did!" replied Scizor now living and breathing.
"If you want to avenge Aspen help me battle this evil!" Scizor said to Ken.
"Ok..." Ken said uneasily.

Chapter 5:Father VS Son Coming Soon
Here's a sneak peek at a future chapter...here it is.

Chapter ?:????

"Ken, I can't hold on much longer..."
"Come'on you have to..."
"It's too late...it's got us..."
"Goodbye Scizor"

Spooky ain't it?
Pokemonwebsurfer said:
Pretty good, but how can Aspen not believe in pokemon if he has a Bulbasaur(you know, the first pokemon in the pokedex)?

Aspen has mixed feelings on Pokemon he only beleves that some Pokemon exsisted and he loves to rub his success as a Professer in Seth's face. Sort of like Gary with Ash. That's why I chose his Pic for the trainer card
Here is a fee back.
Pokemon:Laparas (you can pick the rest of his pokemon)
Oppucataion:Gym Battles. Pokemon Contest for fun