Because you all can guess this in time I'm giving the answers
To find find out who am I,
you got to find my fellow mates,
1 is the the twin of famous wins
a deck of the greatest time
(Gallade or Gardevoir)
2 is the ancient flier
spread all the way
3 is the web maker
of the heavy cost
4 is the sky protector
with judging powers
5 is the armored metal
favorite of past champion
6 is the free less card
were call useless
7 is the tentacles shock
by the 8th Leader
8 is the quick prince
waiting for streamer
1st is in natural disaster (ABSOL)
2nd is the Queens Protector (nidoking protects nidoqueen)
3rd is the moon of exploration (cresselia, it isn't lunatone, and cresselia is the only other pokemon having a pact with the moon)
4th is amber solution (aerodactyl, as it evolves from old amber)
5th is group of cooconut explosion (execute, it is a group, and they explode)
6th is in mass extinction (FARDFETCH'D)
7th is 2 head confusion (dodouo, it has 2 heads, and it can learn confusion)
8th is a gift from Ketchum (it is a gift from ketchum, not to ketchum. i thinkl it's charizard as ketchum gave it to the charizard trainer/island thingy)
9th is one of ape population (mankey, as they where a population in he PMD game)
10th is the singer that is hated (jigglypuff, as people hate it for singing)
11th is water cutter (kabutops, it has huge blades, and it's water type)
12th is the light in water (lanturn, as it has a ball of light on it's head)
13th is a floating cyclops (dusknoir, it floats, and has only 1 eye)
14th is the cursed of Ancient (mew)
15th is an expensive snake (crystal onix, it's a snake, and the fact it's made of crystal makes it expensive)
16th is the one that proves technology (porygon Z, it uses 2 tegnology items to go from porygon to porygon Z)
17th is a spike poison (quilfish, as it has poison spikes all over it's body)
18th is owns by an American (Lt. surge's _____ as lt. Surge is american)
19th is an iron flyer (skarmory, it's a metal type, and it flies)
20th is a city destruction (T-Tar, it looks like godzilla, who is a city distructor)
21st is have many variation (UNOWN)
22nd is the owner eater (VICTREEBEL)
23rd is a big floater (wailord, it's huge and it floats)
24th has only 1 answer (metapod, the answer is ash: harden!, other guy: harden!. and so on)
25th is an ancient bug (armaldo, it's a fossil pokemon and it's bug type)
26th is a snake enemy (zangoose, it's seviper's arch enemy)
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