Finished Pokemon Riddles (Not YPPY)

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I am never used for battling,
I am a running joke,
I can evolve, but doing so doesn't change much.

One type I gain through evolution,
And I'm seen on every team,
But seldom I am used for battle.

Who am I?
"... doing so doesn't change much" implies that there is not a huge change in appearance. Magikarp's evolution into Gyarados is significant.
"One type I gain through evolution" might point to... Dratini?
PokeChamp said:
I am never used for battling,
I am a running joke,
I can evolve, but doing so doesn't change much.

One type I gain through evolution,
And I'm seen on every team,
But seldom I am used for battle.

Who am I?

I thought Bidoof but line 4 shows that I'm wrong. Magikarp shows the first paragraph. Gyarados can sometimes be used as a HM slave.
Bidoof is the correct answer. No one uses it for battling, or its evolved form (hence, "doesn't change much").

grasspokemonmaster's turn!
I ride the dark waters carefully, my size my top.
Though power endlessly draws me near, I can't berate a pop.
In beams of laser I shoot every day
I can't see myself so I pray
I'm a giant of a lifetime, nobody knows me,
Seas I ride through every minute, not the purity of the water,
But rather the horror of the water instead.
Oh dear, no, no, PokeChamp. Yes, it can mislead you to two different Pokemon.

'I can't see myself so I pray'

That immidiately contradicts Gyarados' serpentine body.

FireGod, a nice guess but where is your 'horror of the sea'? Lugia's supposed to be benevolent you know.
I am feared of and misunderstood
the shadows in the night
very mighty yet I have a different way of battle
one other pokemon destroys my powers

who am I
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