Writing Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - Vote now for winning story! Entries at post 37!

RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 1 week left!

Daren said:
Kingdra King: You are absolutely welcome to join, and I will be glad to have you

Dauntless: Suit yourself, personally, I am eager to see what kind of creative entries the writers of Pokebeach can come up with. :)

Bah! Humbug.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 6 days left!

LOL, epic
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 6 days left!

I'll join then. Better get working on an entry :)
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 5 days left!

Man, only 5 days left. Couldn't think of many good plots for Christmas so I'm hoping to score some points with detail.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 4 days left!

shining meganium may be coming up fast on the inside depending on if i get time
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 2 days left!

C'mon guys! Competition ends in two days and I havent received ONE entry! You'd better pick up the pace!
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 2 days left!


...but is it supposed to be completely anonymous? Because if so I'm gunna have to do some quick editing >>'
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 2 days left!

It's anonymous to all but you (obviously) and Daren. Daren just copies your entry (that you send in a pm) and then quotes it as "Mystery Author #(*insert some number*)"
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 2 days left!

Is the fanfic going to be due at the end of tomorrow?
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! 2 days left!

It is due by midnight tonight.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! Ends Tonight!

Will the deadline be extended? I need to know weather or not to try to finish my story.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! Ends Tonight!

I'm afraid I might HAVE to extend it. So far, I've only received one enrty that followed the round's requirements
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! Ends Tonight!

I'm not done either. I still have one or two more paragraphs to go and to proofread. I'll try to be done my tomorrow, but the latest would be Wednesday.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! Ends Tonight!

Lol there answers my question about who's entered thus far. :p
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 14th! Ends Tonight!

I'm going to have to extend this until the 18th. I hope that that will be enough time for everyone.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 18th! Extended!

So... how's the competition going? It's the 19th, so I'm hoping we have enough entries now.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 18th! Extended!

Alright. The competition is now over. The deadline has been met and I have two entries that meet the round's requirements, the minimum required for me tro begin judging week. In one minute I will edit this post with the two stories, anonymously.

Entry One: Pokemon: A Christmas Chronicle

Pokemon: A Christmas Chronicle

The news broke out. It was on the headline of every paper, on every news station, and pretty much anything you can imagine. “Santa is gone!” the headline said. “Christmas is ruined!” continued the paper. “Last night, Dec. 22nd , Santa had mysteriously disappeared while checking his Stantler. During the time he checked Stantler, and unknown Pokemon had attacked him, and kidnapped Santa. We currently know from the Stantler that he is on the top of Mt. Freezicle.”
All of the children were crying when they heard the news. Christmas isn’t coming this year. Some fiend kidnapped Santa. Who would do such a naughty practice? Pikachu did not like this at all. No, not one bit. When Pikachu heard the news, he shouted, “Darn that evil doer! When I see him he’s getting a piece of my lightning!” He walked out of his house, stomping on the floor with every step he took. Everyone understood Pikachu’s anger, and no one dared oblige Pikachu to stop.
Why? Everyone knew the story behind Pikachu and Santa. Pikachu met Santa one day, and Santa saved his life. That’s why on every Christmas Eve, Pikachu always sees Santa, and is enlightened at the smile Santa gives to him. Pikachu walked over to his friend Pidgeotto’s house. “Hey Pidgeotto!” he said as he bursted through the front door. “Hear the news?”
“Yeah I have!” replied Pidgeotto. “Christmas is ruined. Who wouldn’t have heard it by now!?”
“Golly the news is huge.”
“It’s not like we can do anything about it!”
“Yes we can.”
“You’re not-“
“Yep. We will.”

Pidgeotto caught on. “If you really are going to go out and save Santa, you might as well bring a group of people. Who are brave enough? No one in the right mind would even attempt to prevail to the top of Mt. Freezicle. But, either way, it must be done to save Santa. To save Christmas. If you are going, I’m going to.”

Pikachu walked out of the door. In a few hours, Pikachu went to the town mayor to see if it is OK with him to go to Mt. Freezicle and save Santa. Pikachu brought along Pidgeotto, Snover, and Chimchar with him. All three being his friends, had to see the town mayor, Noctowl, scold at them. “You FOOLS! You aren’t even fully evolved yet, and you even bother to think about saving Santa through Mt. Freezicle? Fools… fools…”
“Please sir.” Replied Pikachu. “It must be done. The fate of Christmas is here right now.”
“I’m sure other, stronger Pokemon would try to save Santa.”
“But we must…”
“Fine, go ahead. But we aren’t responsible if you die out there.”
Pikachu gulped.

It was a one day trip to Mt. Freezicle. The journey was long and harsh. Freezing snow dripping down everyone’s body, and most of the berries were quickly spoiled by the cold temperatures. Snover tried as hard as possible to keep everyone feeling fine, but even that wasn’t enough. And Chimchar’s flame wasn’t providing enough heat against such harsh temperatures. But they all made it. “Here we are…” gulped Pikachu. The group began to walk up to the mountain, unaware of what dangers await them.

“Your highness!” shouted a voice. The Pokemon walked closer to the second Pokemon. A Typholsion was talking to a Charizard. “We have some Pokemon attempting to save Santa!”
“What kind of Pokemon?”
“You’ll laugh, but a Snover, Chimchar, Pidgeotto, and a Pikachu”
“Ha!” laughed Charizard. “Snover I can understand, but every other Pokemon is what suprises me. Weaklings like them trying to stand up to me… I like the bravery but I pity their souls.”
“What should I do with ‘em?”
“Just kill them. The only real threat is Pidgeotto just because he isn’t evolved, but I can deal with him easily. They should be snap.”
“What will you do, sir?”
“I’m going to be real naughty…” Charizard walked away deviously.

Pikachu and co. finally made it to the top of Mt. Freezicle. Only to found out that Santa had been taken away by Charizard. “Who are you?” demanded Chimchar, wondering the Pokemon’s name.
“I am Typhlosion, the loyal servant of Santa’s kidnapper.”
“Then you know where Santa is, don’t you?”
“That is out of my knowledge. Only Santa’s kidnapper knows where Santa is. By now, Santa might be in a near dead state.”
“He wouldn’t…”
“He would. If you want to go farther, you must fight me and win.”

Chimchar told the rest of the squad to go on ahead. “You don’t know what you are doing,” said Typhlosion. “Against me, you will need all of the help necessary.” The battle soon began.

Finally catching up to Charizard, Pikachu saw a terrible sight. Santa was lying on the ground, covered in blood. “No…!” Pikachu spoke these words slowly, with fear. “Santa… it can’t… how…?” He fell to his knees and began to cry. Pidgeotto and Snover tried to act strong, but they too were paralyzed in fear. Charizard turned around and looked at the group. “I presume that your Chimchar partner is battling Typhlosion? Such foolish brats.” Charizard smiled. “If I play with you, all three of you will die a slow and painful death. So I’ll make this quick. Besides, your friend Santa is already dead.”

Charizard opened his mouth. “Flamethrower!” he shouted. The intense amounts of flames were flying towards Pikachu, the first of Charizard’s targets to die. But the attack missed. In fact, the Flamethrower was nowhere near Pikachu. A giant ball of water was in the way of the Flamethrower. The ball of water exploded, and the Flamethrower instantly vanished. “What is this?” pondered Charizard. A Pokemon stepped in front of Pikachu. “Santa never dies,” said the Pokemon. It was a Delibird, and that Delibird was Santa. “You… you are alive!” screamed Pikachu being very excited. But Santa looked hurt. “I used a last minute Substitute. My Substitutes will always survive for a while,” replied Delibird. He turned to Charizard. “With my powers, I cannot be beat. Don’t you forget that.”

Charizard groaned. “Then if you cannot be beat, then you can be captured.” Charizard flew towards Delibird with a Flamethrower. Delibird jumped out of the way and dodged it. Pikachu and Pidgeotto, coming into the fight, used Wing Attack and Volt Tackle together right at Charizard. Luckily for Charizard, it missed. Snover jumped in front of Charizard and used Water Pulse. It hit Charizard head-on. “That Water Pulse was weak,” he thought. “These pests aren’t strong, they are annoying.” Charizard landed on the ground with Santa, Pikachu, Snover, and Pidgeotto with him. “EARTHQUAKE!” he shouted.

The ground shook. Delibird and Pidgeotto were able to dodge the attack, but Pikachu and Snover were caught in it. “This power of an Earthquake…” thought Delibird out loud. “Is powerful enough to cause an avalanche!” Pikachu and Snover were sent flying down the mountain, with tons of snow piling on them as they landed. Even Snover, it was for sure that both Pikachu and Snover were killed. The Earthquake was so strong, however, that it even affected Tyhplosion and Chimchar’s battle. Against Charizard’s belief, Chimchar was winning. Both did not anticipate the Earthquake. Being shaken off the mountain, both were killed as well.

Charizard then looked at Delibird. He used a Flamethrower but Delibird flew out of the way. It hit Pidgeotto directly. “Perfect,” smirked Charizard. He flew up, grabbed Pidgeotto, and threw him downwards. Although Pideotto did not die, he was in great pain as he landed on a rock. “You are most definitely a naughty one!” screamed Delibird at Charizard. “I don’t have to give you any coal. You can make your own!” Delibird used Present on Charizard. It did 100 damage. But Charizard was still strong. He used Flamethrower but missed. Delibird then used Water Pulse, and it hit Charizard in the stomach. He was pushed back. “How’s this?” asked Delibird rhetorically as he launched a Focus Punch. It hit Charizard, sending him downwards. Then, Delibird ended with a Water Pulse. The impact was not only super effective, but it was critical. Charizard’s back was scraped against the stone-edge of the mountain as he fell to his demise. “And next time,” smirked Delibird. “You be nice. If there is a next time.”

Delibird walked over to Pidgeotto. Using Present, Pidgeotto was healed and got up. “Thank you, Santa.” He said. Delibird soon came down to the site where Snover and Pikachu were buried in the snow. To their surprise, both were alive. “It’s a miracle!” shouted Pikachu. “Before we hit the ground, Snover suddenly used Light Screen to protect us both!” Chimchar was also fine, as he used Dig when he landed in the ground before the snow buried him.

Delibird called all four Pokemon to him. “All four of you have been very well. Without you guys, I would’ve been dead.”
“But what did we do?” asked Pikachu, quite confused. “You used Substitute, so you could’ve gotten away anyways.”
“But I received the courage from you four. The power of your hearts powered me up, and I was able to defeat Charizard.” Delibird smiled. “How would you like to ride my sleigh and watch as I give out presents?”
“All four of you deserve it.”

And so, on that night was Pikachu’s best night in his life. His hero was saved and alive, and Pikachu even got to see his Stantler squad. Plus, Pikachu also got to see Santa hand out presents. So, all was calm. On Christmas day, news came out that Santa has been saved by four young, brave souls. Each were given great honor and respect. Parties and celebrations were thrown, and at the end of Christmas day Pikachu finally got to go home.

On his bed, Pikachu saw a special package. A package rapped in gold foil, given to Pikachu by Santa. A message was on the gift. And it said,

“Dear Pikachu,”
I understand that I am your biggest hero ever. To repay my thanks for you and your friends for saving not just my life, but Christmas day, I have granted you a special something. Please, do open this package.
From: Santa.”

Pikachu opened the package. And what he found was a little amulet, an amulet with Santa’s face on it. And little did Pikachu know that as long as he wore this amulet, the power of Santa and the spirit of Christmas lay within him.
Entry Two: Memories and Dolls of Christmas

“It’s been a while since we’ve been back here, hasn’t it?”

“Yeah, nearly a year.”

Cratesh’ya pulled her puffy violet jacket around her tighter as she and her companion Aeron Gunnar strolled into the southern outskirts of Twilitsong. The mountain air blew down and around the city, littering snowflakes every which way. The wind tugged at the younger’s blonde hair, trying to make it escape from the safe confines of her jacket. Her bangs, unguarded to the blustery breeze, shone their bizarre pink hue brilliantly against the dull gray sky.

“Hard to believe it was only a year and a half ago where this all started,” she softly murmured. The memories of her escape from Team Missile’s grasp, falling into the lake west of the city, and beginning her true journey with ‘Eru’ by her side flooded back, though they did not harm her as they did a year ago.

“Tell me about it,” Aeron shut her silver eye as the gold one continued to peer around. She shivered violently, though packed tightly in a red jacket and her normal silver windbreaker. Even with a scarf that could barely be outlined against her jet black hair, she still seemed frigid. “Ugh. And I do not like to remember about the mountains. That was not fun.”

“Agreed,” the blonde nodded her head vigorously. “…hard to believe it’s only a week till Christmas, too.”

“Ye-AHCHOO!” The violent sneeze caused the student to look to her mentor in concern. Kiyo glanced back, that dry look in her eyes. “What’re you starin’ at?”

“We’re going to the Pokemon Center. Now.”

“So bossy all of the sudden, oh student of mine?”

“You look perfectly miserable. Don’t make me drag you there.”

“Fine, fine. You win just this time, Hikara…” The elder shivered as she spoke through chattering teeth. “…b-but only just because you have a really good point and there’s no way I can think of witty comebacks in the cold…”

* * *

“So what do you want for Christmas?”

“Huhn?” Aeron hummed behind a mouthful of udon. She chewed wildly at the cuisine of the restaurant where Cratesh’ya revealed her gift to her, The Wise Kadabra.

“What do you want for Christmas? I have no idea where to start. I mean, you’re an ultra-powerful trainer that saved my life.”

“A few times,” the mentor corrected as she clapped her chopsticks together.

“I’m serious,” Cratesh’ya sweat gently at the fact. “I mean, I don’t think there’s anything I could do for you.”

“You could pick up the tab today, for a change. I paid it the day after I rescued you here and the day I kicked that loser gym leader’s behind.”

“That’s not even funny,” the youngest Hikara whined. “And the first reason isn’t even valid. Team Missile stole all my money-”

“Your dignity, and your Pokemon, yeah yeah. You got em’ back now, though. Stop complainin’ and start payin’. Chop, chop.”

“I was planning on it!”


“…are you sure there’s nothing I can get for you?” Aquamarine blue eyes locked onto the fire trainer. Her mismatching eyes darted away from the girl to her bowl, back to the girl, and away again. ‘Mewster’ sighed.

“Sorry, I’m just…really bad with this thing. You’re not supposed to ask, anyways!” Aeron shook her head as she searched her bowl for a particular fish. I mean, the only thing I can think of is a gift card to a Pokemon Mart or something like that. You know how I am by now.”

“I know, I know…” the gifted girl sighed again. True, Aeron had her many faults, but she was mainly a good and selfless person. Her thoughts went to all of her characters: Umbree, the silent and loyal, Freya, her longtime, sarcastic companion, Elda, her brother’s parting gift onto her, Jormungand, the intimidating glutton, Skai, the ever-loving runt, Arcanum, the wise racer and caring pillow, and all of her other Pokemon. They all were so caring, and if there was one thing Cratesh’ya learned from Pokemon, it was that at their core they reflected their trainer’s heart.

“What do you want?” the blonde’s thoughts shattered as the teen questioned her.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I’m asking you what you want. It can be anything at all. I know you’ve been eyeing my Fire Stone collection for a while, there, kid, but I need a better start than that.”

She hesitated at that. She always liked to look at the vast collection of things in Eru’s huge backpack that carried anything and everything except for Master Balls, but she just liked to look. Nervously and on habit, she laughed and twirled at a flyaway strand of her long blonde hair.

“Oh, you caught me good, too. Uh…how about the last two badges I need to challenge the High Council?”

“No money’s gonna buy you those, sorry to say,” Aeron cracked a smile as she emptily played with her soup. “I’m your slavedriver for a reason, hun.”

“Thanks for reminding me.”

“You’re welcome. We’ll be workin’ on your domination team soon against that fool Extremespeed.”

However, they both went to silence as they locked eyes. Each was trying to read the secret, purchasable or otherwise attainable answers for their Christmas dilemma. In truth, they had both gone though so much on their trek through Beghta…what more did they want than the simple peace of continuing on without Team Missile breathing down their necks?

“Well, we won’t get our stomachs filled just staring at each other like we’re madly in love. ‘Ey, waiter! Another bowl of udon!”

“Aeron, that’s your second bowl already!”

“Hey, if you’re payin’, I’m gonna eat till I pop.” Her trademark smirk crawled across her face before it was wiped away by the soup bowl coming up to it.

* * *

“It’s Christmas Eve, Cratesh’ya…are you sure it’ll be done in time?”

Cratesh’ya said nothing. She nervously twiddled with a stray hair before shoving it behind her ear again. Her eyes remained glued down on her project. They did not fall to her companions.

“I have to get this done. If I don’t, I know Aeron will at the very least kill me for taking all this possible training time to get a whole lot of nothing complete.”

“Well, if you’s askin’ me ‘bout this whole shabizzle about payin’ through the nose and out the be-hind for each other because you feel you have to, Homey-C, you be trippin’ somethin’ awful.” The dark blue creature rambled off in her slang as usual. Still Mewster didn’t truly acknowledge the flower Pokemon.

“It’s not just about that, Bella…I mean, she’s done so much for us as it is. I don’t feel I have to. I want to. I have to. If there’s any way I can show her how much I appreciate this, I’m going to do it.”

“Great, but can you keep it down a little? I know I’m going to be your midnight light source later, so I want some sleep,” grunted the tall yellow sheep. Her ruby red tail buzzed out of irritation.

“Sorry, Hikari. We’ll try to keep it down.”

“It’s gonna be a quiet one without Captain Barker by our sides this time.”

“Yeah…I’m gonna miss him.”

Finally, Cratesh’ya lifted her eyes to her two starter Pokemon. Hurricane, the sassy talker, was busy preening her magnificent cream and magenta wings. Her long crest feathers rose in a beautiful display of the Pidgeot’s radiance. Regardless of her harsh beak, she knew that Hurricane did miss Lieutenant Yena, as the rest of the team did.

No other Pokemon missed him more than Dragola, though. With the softest of hearts, her onyx horn seemed to gleam in the Christmas lighting for his honor. She uncurled her long, sky blue body and slithered over to cuddle beside her trainer. The deep blue orbs on her body seemed lighter in color, reflecting the outside.

“Is there anything I can do to help, Tishy? I mean, Eru was my trainer once…and she is a nicy.” The Dragonair’s violet eyes shone in childish eagerness.

“Unfortunately not, Dragola. But thanks for asking! I’d love your help any other time. But I just have to try and make this as special as I can for Aeron on my own, else it won’t mean much. I want to show her how much I’ve grown not only as a trainer, but as a person. I don’t want to seem like I’m trying to abuse my gift or any other help I’ve got to get this far.”

The only silent one, Blazeburst, watched calmly from afar. As the blonde spoke, she simply nodded her head, her beige crown feathers rising slowly in approval. The Blaziken’s eyes then turned away to the outside.

“How’s the weather looking, Blazeburst? Think it’ll snow?”

“Perhaps,” she curtly spoke. “It’s far too soon to tell, but all I know and am thankful for is that no hail is on the way.”

The gifted girl couldn’t help a twisted laugh at that. During their last pass through the mountains, Blazeburst came to her rescue against an Abomasnow. The hail was nothing to sneeze at, but in comparison to all else they had gone through, it seemed like child’s play.

“Well, are you gonna stop gabbin’ so I can sleep an’ work or what?” Hikari droned from her nest.

“Sorry, Hikari,” Cratesh’ya whispered to the Ampharos before turning back to her project.

* * *

“Cratesh’ya…come on, don’t make me throw you out in the cold. I will do that. You know I have.”


“Icy treat, courtesy of Delibirds!”


The preteen shot up into the air as ice trickled down her back and through her pajamas. Aeron couldn’t help a cruel laugh as she watched her student squirm wildly to get the ice out.

“Aeron, that was NOT funny! You ought to get a coal for Christmas!”

“Yeah, that’s what Kaien did one year. He got me a Torkoal. That wasn’t fun.” The elder thumbed her nose at that. “All jokes aside, what are you doing sleeping on the floor?”

Cratesh’ya hesitated. She noticed she was still on the Center’s floor. A box covered neatly with golden wrapping paper rested at her feet. The silver bow seemed slightly crushed; the gifted one remembered finishing up Eru’s present, placing it in the box, wrapping it…

“What…you crazy little lunatic, you didn’t…”

“Haha, oops!”

“You did not seriously spend all night trying to get a present together did you?”

“Um…yes?” Bashfully she took ahold of the present. Propping up the bow as best she could, she offered it up to the fire trainer. “…Merry Christmas, Eru.”

“…you’re insane,” she muttered, embarrassed as she sunk down to the floor in an Indian position. She took the box from Cratesh’ya’s outstretched hands. Without a care, she ripped apart the gorgeous wrapping paper, casting it aside like an excited little child. Presented with the plain cardboard, she carefully opened the flap.

Her eyes shimmered dangerously as she pulled out the gift. Hand-sewn with attention to every stitch, she almost immediately hugged the plush Eevee. “Oh, this is very dangerous. Tell my brothers of this, and you are dead meat. How the heck did you know I-”

“I didn’t, in all honesty,” Cratesh’ya cut her friend off. “I know it’s kind of an immature gift, but I wanted something to show how much I really care about you and the things you’ve done for me. I thought an Eevee would be best. You know, given Freya was an Eevee once and she was your starter...”

“…if you tell Kaien or Kouta, you are. Dead meat. Period. End of story…” the elder whispered darkly, fearing they might be eavesdropping from miles away. “…I’m normally not a plushie person, but I do have my own stash at home. And this one is going to be the most worn out plush in the history of those plushies. Freya insists on staying in her Pokeball these days with the weather, and Arcanum’s too big…so I’m glad you’ve given me something to cuddle.”

Aeron immediately hugged her friend.

“Ack, Eru!” Mewster choked. “Can’t…breathe…”

“Sure you can! You survive everything Team Missile throws at ya, and you can’t take a little hug. We’re working on that tomorrow!”

“Nooooo!” the girl whimpered.

“…ah, yeah. Uh…wait here. I know it’s not that good, but…” After releasing the blonde from the bear hug, Gunnar wandered off to her bag. A smaller present, wrapped in red and lined with white ribbons, revealed itself. Still possessively clinging to the unevolved Flareon doll, Eru handed Cratesh’ya the box. “It’s…not much. I can’t do anything as impressive as this plush. But, well, just know that there’s a lot of meaning behind it too.”

Within seconds the present was unwrapped, and the younger of the duo was reaching inside. A small black book, lined with several transparent pages, attempted to open up as soon as she lifted it from its container. Curiously, she flipped through the pages. Pictures of their earlier days together littered each page. Every moment displayed itself, as though Team Missile was just a bad nightmare between all the fun they had. Yet, as ironic as it is…she thought to herself, flipping to a page where they gussied up as Missile grunts to take on Zenith, Team Missile really is the reason we met.

“You’re not saying anything.”

“I…don’t know what to say,” the blonde muttered weakly as she continued looking through the pictures. The photographs of her Pokemon before they evolved, after, Lt. Yena, whom they let go to the wild with his father… “I…didn’t know you had all these photos of us.”

“Neither did I, really. Things have a funny way of working out, huh?”

“Yeah. …to think Team Missile really brought us together.”

“If that isn’t irony, I don’t know what is,” Aeron sighed. For the first time in a while, she gave a genuine smile. “Here they are, trying to divide and conquer, and what do they do? Make us come together and make us stronger. Well, you stronger.”

“Nah…we’re both stronger,” Cratesh’ya beamed.

“So you like my present?”

“Yeah…thanks. But…” she hesitated as she put the little black book aside.

“Oh, great. A but.” The mentor went straight back to her sarcastic self.

The gifted girl couldn’t help but smile at that. “I was just going to say I couldn’t have any better gift than you as my best friend, Aeron. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you the most.” With that, she forced her way into a tight hug. The mentor was left stunned for a moment, before that kind and warm smile leaked past her icy defenses.

“Thank you too, ‘Tishy, for teaching me that I can’t just be a one-woman-show, and that I still have a lot of growing up to do.

“…speaking of growing up, I think I have to break away from this hug for now. Way too cheesy, and we’re beneath some…missile-toe,” she laughed hard at her horrid pun. Immediately releasing her grip, Cratesh’ya glanced up. Sure enough, dangling over the side of the bed by a playful gold feather was a bundle of mistletoe.

“Hurricane!” the younger hissed at the bird.

“Oh, how I love watching you humans jump at this little harmless plant when it’s overhead,” the Pidgeot clicked her beak in amusement as she removed it from her crown feather.

Even though the plant tangled itself within her hair, and the fire trainer would tease her about it for the rest of the day, she couldn’t help but smile.

As the white snow fell for a picture perfect moment, Cratesh’ya decided that this was a perfect Christmas.
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 18th! Extended!

So, uh, are we supposed to just comment with our vote or something? Or is a poll going to be edited in?

I don't think anyone else has actually seen that the stories are up. :X
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - PM your entries in by Dec 18th! Extended!

I apologize earnestly for my lack of both clarification and indulgement in this recently. The Christmas season has been busy for me and I barely had enough time to copy and paste the entries in the post. Now, judging officially begins. ANyone may judge simply by stating which of the two stories he or she prefers. Competitors may not vote.

Again, I am sorry for not running this efficiantly and Merry Christmas everyone!

P.S. Judging ends next Saturday, the second of the year. Good Luck
RE: Pokemon Short Story Writing Contest - Vote now for winning story! Entries page three!

You might want to say Post number rather than page number, as the number of posts per page varies per person.