Pokemon: Startears

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Appearence:The outfit like Sora

C'mon,somebody BATTLE ME!!!
*Larpas fainted and so did Castform

*By the way it's a three on three

"Looks like it's all up to you Roselisa"
"Nice choice, I know see that you have inpressive battle skills."

"Roselia, Sunny Day!"
Yeah, so what's that gonna help you with? Hahahaha! It just makes you look like a useless trainer!! Hahaha!
"Oh, really well wait to you see this."

"Roselia SOLARBEAM!!!!!"

*Scyher is Knocked out

"Looks like your Scyther wasn't strong enogh for Roselia's powerful Solorbeam."
Look again! Hahahaha! If you actually studied in school, you'd know Scyther has X4 resistance to Grass attacks, because Scyther is both Bug and Flying types! Hahahaha! Scyther's no where near fainting. Now, Scyther! While Roselia is still recharging, Wing Attack!!!!
Hahahaha! Now I wonder if Roselia will even get up!!
"First of Scyther is not flying. Secondly, everyone knows that Scyther is a bug type. Thirldy you don't need to recharge with Solar Beam."

"Sorry, but this is no ordanary Roselia, this one is specail. See the person who Trainer it was a very wise Trainer. Nowing that Roselia has lots of Weaknesses. In this case, this Roselia knows one attack that you will not see coming."

"Roselia, COUNTER!!!!!!!"
Scyther IS a flying type, but he doesn't "fly" like all other flying types!

I know both Pokemon will be hit bad, but Scyther use Hyper Beam!!!!!
"It does not matter what type he is know."

*Scyther attacked Roselia with Wing Attack, but got it back 10 fold becuase of Counter and Weakness

"Roselia, Moonlight"

*Roselia gained some health

"Looks like your Scyther is down and out."
Did you not see? That Hyper Beam coming? Hahahaha! How could you not see it coming? Hahaha! You're Roselia is hit and knocked out. It doesn't matter if this battle ends up in a tie. NO ONE IS THE WINNER!
"Dude, why is your Scyther having a seizure?"

*Scyther is Knocked out and is unable to battle
Scyther!!! I've gotta get you to the Pokemon Center!!! This battle is officially over!
"Thier is not a Pokemon center within 100 miles."

"My Grnad gave me this new PPC [Portalble Pokemon Center]"

"Only to be used for emergancies because it can only heal one Pokemon, then the cell is gone. So here take this."

*Hands Gary the PPC
Thanks very much!
Well, since the battle ended in a tie, I'll battle with you again some other time.
Smell ya later!
(Gary walks down road and Andrew sees another trainer to battle.)
See ya. Oh! And one more thing."

*Hands Gary the Meatl Coat [Which makes Scyther evolve
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