'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6/12]

They didn't show the silhouettes for the crocodile, bird or the zebra - my favourites of the 7 announced.

Thanks for updating about Zorua and Zoroark's movesets, I was curious as to what they were. Also, during the CoroCoro credits, didn't they mention something about Zorua and Zoroark?
I'm not happy with Zorua and Zoroark being event-only...what will us poor saps in Canada do? The States get loads of events compared to us so their Toys R Us stores will likely get it, and the employees at the one in my town will look at me like I have two heads when I inquire about it. Baaw. :/
Okay this is over the top bullcrud , Zorua & Zoroark event only? WTH? Why in Arceus' name would Nintendo ever do that? They're like the Lucario/Riolu of Gen 5 and they make them event exclusive, it doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever...

BTW how often does Coro Coro Get released, is it monthly or bi-monthly?
Tobi_Akatsuki said:
Okay this is over the top bullcrud , Zorua & Zoroark event only? WTH? Why in Arceus' name would Nintendo ever do that? They're like the Lucario/Riolu of Gen 5 and they make them event exclusive, it doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever...

BTW how often does Coro Coro Get released, is it monthly or bi-monthly?

Coro-Coro is monthly.

I find it unusual that there's an event for both Zorua and Zoroark, as it was said when they were announced that Zorua evolves into Zoroark. (First evolving legendaries?)
Actually I think the "bee nest" caption simply said that there are more unique buildings in Isshu, such as this honeycomb design oO;
Awesome. Do we have a girl in the 5th gen to go along with the boy character? I know it is aimed twards older people or adults so I was just wondering, Thanks.:)
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

PokéJungle said:
Actually I think the "bee nest" caption simply said that there are more unique buildings in Isshu, such as this honeycomb design oO;

Indeed, it says there that it's a building that resembles a bee's nest, and "Just what goes on here!?" lol

xxashxx said:
I know it is aimed twards older people or adults so I was just wondering, Thanks.:)
Pokemon is for kids, it always will be, and I don't care how wrinkly I get I'll be right there too!
If we try to justify our liking it to ourselves by grasping at straws like "the main characters are a little older, must be for me this time!" then we'd only be lying to ourselves, you know? ^_^
Have more pride and don't worry!

And yeah, that really bites about Zoroark/Zoroa! They better atleast be breedable so that its possible to get both on the pokedex in future games!
PS fails. All the stuff they released was already CoroCoro'd. Why does Zorua have to be event-only? I really hate that. Oh well.
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

OK so skimming through the Corocoro, nothing explicitly states its exclusive. Was this said in PokeSun or something?

"入手したセレビィをイッシュ地方に連れてくると...イッシュ地方でも珍しいポケモン ゾロアを仲間にできる!"
"When you take the Celebi to the Isshu region...You can get Zoroa, a Pokemon rare even in the Isshu region to join you!"

Just from this theres nothing saying it's exclusive (admittedly not 100% saying there is other ways either though)
Sorry did I miss something? seperate news?

Also apparently the Zorua is in a town already, and you take the Celebi to it to make it reveal its true form lol. I wonder what it was disguised as before. A human, pokemon or statue? haha
I hate that they make event Pokémon... They should all be catchable in game without the need of any stuff...
Wow, Event exclusives. That fails. They're not real Legendaries IMO, but they're trying to make them like it. The moves are alright, but nothing special. The Hive place could be a Bug type Gym idk. And lol at the silhouettes. Thank God we got the actual Pokemon, or there would be tons more speculation of what the Pokemon would be. _-_

dmaster out.
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

kriffix said:
OK so skimming through the Corocoro, nothing explicitly states its exclusive. Was this said in PokeSun or something?

"入手したセレビィをイッシュ地方に連れてくると...イッシュ地方でも珍しいポケモン ゾロアを仲間にできる!"
"When you take the Celebi to the Isshu region...You can get Zoroa, a Pokemon rare even in the Isshu region to join you!"

Just from this theres nothing saying it's exclusive (admittedly not 100% saying there is other ways either though)
Sorry did I miss something? seperate news?

Also apparently the Zorua is in a town already, and you take the Celebi to it to make it reveal its true form lol. I wonder what it was disguised as before. A human, pokemon or statue? haha

It says right in the scan "ゾロアもゾロアークも通常のプレイでは出現しないのだ。"
I kinda expected this to happen because rule 1: Pokemon Sunday never reveals anything before CoroCoro, rule 2: Pokemon Sunday always reveal sihouttes first. Due to the special timing we have this month, which the 15th is on Tuesday, we got everything from the leaks while Pokemon Sunday just showed sihouttes, lol.
Psssh, obviously Rotom forms yet again.
So then whats the deal with Zoura and Zoroark? Are they like the first legendary Evo line? Or are they similar to Manaphy and Phione?
wtf -_-
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

yaminokame said:
It says right in the scan "ゾロアもゾロアークも通常のプレイでは出現しないのだ。"
Really? Can't seem to find that bit at all *fails*

Also only just saw the bit saying about sending the pokemon on, the tiny tiny bit where it says ”転送マシンでポケモンを転送中です” . So I guess this means no trading from 4th to 5th gen but rather transfering them on like Palpark or something then?

Oh right! Next page, I see! Totally overlooked that, thanks for pointing it out to this rookie! darrrrrn, they better atleast be breedable!
RE: 'Pokemon Sunday' Airs Silhouettes of Yesterday's Pokemon, More 'CoroCoro' Info [6

kriffix said:
Really? Can't seem to find that bit at all *fails*

Also only just saw the bit saying about sending the pokemon on, the tiny tiny bit where it says ”転送マシンでポケモンを転送中です” . So I guess this means no trading from 4th to 5th gen but rather transfering them on like Palpark or something then?

Yeah, it's sort of randomly thrown in there on this scan. In the middle just above the separation point where it starts to talk about the TCG stuff. :p
yaminokame said:
Yeah, it's sort of randomly thrown in there on this scan. In the middle just above the separation point where it starts to talk about the TCG stuff. :p

Yami, what was the line the guy above you posted? Does it confirm a Palpark-type thing or is it ambiguous?