Pokemon Tcg? Cost to get in?


Aspiring Trainer
So okay I have a couple questions about the pokemon tcg that I haven't been able to get answered yet. Is he game affordable meaning, are the hard to get cards too hard to get, and the common cards just worthless. I came from another tcg in where cards where very rare (or a least the good ones). And so I invested money into it went to leagues one prizes and sold them, which I enjoyed but made the game very difficult for others to get into, which I didn't enjoy. So basiclly is pokemon tcg a fun non expensiveness game that has prizes for top players that others want, and is easy to get into? Sorry if it's a complex question but, any opinions are welcome.
RE: Pokemon Tcg?

They aren't as expensive as some games, some of the rare cards are hard to get, but not nearly as expensive as other games
Level X are $60 or lesson only 1 or 2 are more
Other rare cards are about $1-$20
Common Cards are $1 or less
RE: Pokemon Tcg?

Pokemon is very inexpensive besides a couple of good Primes like Kingdra and Donphan and some rares can go up to $20 like jirachinick said. Some Trainers/Supporters may cost a little much sometimes, but usually they are cheap. Many people can get into the game. I've seen people play as young as five play it and love it, but there are many older teens and adults who play it, too. If you don't mind me asking, what TCG did you play before?
not if you play your cards right (pun intended). buy some sets with a high percentage of good cards (like Platinum), trade for more cards, build a good deck, go to tourneys, win more cards, etc.
You can easily buy the singles you need to make a competitive deck for about $100. Do some research, buy a theme deck and get to know the rules, and go to league to play people that will CRUSH you. You'll learn the most that way.
Not at all. If I were you, build a simple deck and post it in the Deck Garage. We'll edit it, and then when it's good, buy those cards. It shouldn't cost more than $60, unless you run Luxray GL LV.X.

You could also start with buying a booster box and selling/trading cards for cash or cards you can use to build your deck.
I find that starting with a theme deck. learning the game well, then editing your theme deck until it is no longer a theme deck is a good idea. Example:

I started with the Torterra DP theme deck. I bought more and more cards, and edited my deck. As I went to league, I battled the tougher players, and got advice. So I started building custom decks. They weren't very good, but I continued to learn. The more cards I got, the better I got. I started getting better, and using Lv.X, and such. Roughly 6 months ago, I started to use metagame decks, which I found fun. Now I run Flyphan, which I awesome.

Espeon, I don't think so. Posting deck ideas is hard, because very few people reply. FMD is a persnickety place, where you may or may not get help. It's still a good idea though, so utilize it. But don't rely on replies.

So, start out slow. Buy a theme deck or two, then tweak it. Change the deck around, get the feel of the game, then start buying more cards. Once you have enough, create custom decks that you have fun playing with. After that, just follow your heart. As per cards, if you buy a pack a week or so, you'll find yourself with decent traders and good cards to use. A booster box once in a while is a good idea as well. Hope this helped.

What I like about pokemon is it has fun for the novice and the veteran. I've been playing for like what 4 years now and I've racked up about 6,500$s in scholarship, vs the about $1000 I've spent on Pokemon altogether. From what I've heard Pokemon is a LOT cheaper than Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic, and can be fun for everyone. Try it and see if you like it. If you don't you can stop.
If you get some good sets such as Majestic Dawn, Rising Rivals or Platinum, you can get good cards, trade them for just a little more expensive cards and soon you will have a collection.
ATM Pokemon is about on-par with yugioh regarding price-tag.

If you're looking to build a good deck, you're looking at an upwards of 150$, to 300+.
Vulpix Yolk said:
If you get some good sets such as Majestic Dawn, Rising Rivals or Platinum, you can get good cards, trade them for just a little more expensive cards and soon you will have a collection.

Um, Majestic Dawn and Rising Rivals were TERRIBLE, except for Luxray X, Leafeon X, and Call energy. Not worth a new player buying.

Rubyiris said:
ATM Pokemon is about on-par with yugioh regarding price-tag.

If you're looking to build a good deck, you're looking at an upwards of 150$, to 300+.

Sablelock, Gyarados, and Jumpluff are all pretty cheap decks. I bet you could build any one of them for less than 60. The problem is you probably think you need two Luxray X for a deck to be good.

Luxray is already going to run you 50$. Try again.


Pluffs are about 10$ a piece. Luxray is 50$. Try again.

Also, pluff and dos aren't nearly as good as Luxchomp, or Sablock. Again, if you're looking to build something GOOD, you're going to be dumping an upwards of 100$ into the game.
amisheskimoninja said:
Um, Majestic Dawn and Rising Rivals were TERRIBLE, except for Luxray X, Leafeon X, and Call energy. Not worth a new player buying.

Rubyiris said:
ATM Pokemon is about on-par with yugioh regarding price-tag.

If you're looking to build a good deck, you're looking at an upwards of 150$, to 300+.

Sablelock, Gyarados, and Jumpluff are all pretty cheap decks. I bet you could build any one of them for less than 60. The problem is you probably think you need two Luxray X for a deck to be good.

Lol, you don't need two Luxray GL Lv. X to have a good deck. Sometimes the least expensive deck is the better deck.
Rubyiris said:
ATM Pokemon is about on-par with yugioh regarding price-tag.

If you're looking to build a good deck, you're looking at an upwards of 150$, to 300+.

Clearly the original poster is familiar with TCG's and thus the theme deck route is probably a wasted step for him.

The yugioh price tag is nothing like pokemon. A tier one or two deck shouldn't cost too much to pull together, as long as he doesnt start with a mega deck first. When I first started, AMU was popular and that one did cost me alot as I bought tons of packs at retail to try to get the deck together. Sablelock is one of the best decks out and the cards are relatively easy to get and cheap.

Any hobby has costs upfront. As soon as you have trainer staples, it doesn't cost much to develop new decks as new series come out.

$60 for a deck is not bad at all considering its 60 cards at about $1 each. Then you switch out and $20-40 later you have the next tier one deck. As in anything, some cards get over inflated and key is to get them before they inflate. e.g. luxray X, uxie X etc.

Money is not a huge worry in pokemon like it is in magic or yugioh or wow.
I never started with a Theme Deck, though I should've. My first deck was a disaster, it didn't have Rare Candy and yet had three chains of stage 2 Pokemon! And somehow I get 17th place in states out of 29 people.
Me and my friend are going to the mart in a week or so to grab a few great encounter boosters. One of our online buddies says that a great deck can bee* built from this deck out of just a few rares, and cards from another set so, I am going to buy some boosters and see how it is. Thanks for the input and try to guess what deck I'm speaking of.
minimidget94 said:
I wouldnt buy Great Encounters, since it will be rotated in like a month.

I'm not familiar with that term, but I'm not building the deck for competitions just fun.
triangle said:
I'm not familiar with that term, but I'm not building the deck for competitions just fun.
When a set's rotating that means it will no longer be legal to play during tournaments.