mo i think it is a wondeful idea. what people do not undertstand that nintendo and pokemon do not get any money from third party sells of cards. So it would not hurt nintendo in that fact just those sellers. I have tons of cards that I bought because I THOUGHT i was going to make a deck out of. if anything this will drive up the sell of pokemon cards. It will get more people in the TCG. Just look how many people play the regular pokemom game on the ds. All nintendo has to do is put a really good promo in the game and that card will sell like hot cakes
Yes pokemon does the same thing. I dont see why because like i stated before most people will just buy the card out right from a third party. Example luxray gl lv x goes for 80 bucks. You can buy a RR booster box for 98 bucks. Of course you have a chance to pull on but, in most booster box you only get 3 or 4 lv x cards and they are more than the card that you dont want
Yes pokemon does the same thing. I dont see why because like i stated before most people will just buy the card out right from a third party. Example luxray gl lv x goes for 80 bucks. You can buy a RR booster box for 98 bucks. Of course you have a chance to pull on but, in most booster box you only get 3 or 4 lv x cards and they are more than the card that you dont want