hello fello pokemon TCG Gamers
i am new to this forum i have a few questions to ask well to start i just started playing the pokemon TCG once again(i was play magic the gathering for the past year) i haven't played pokemon in......well...let's just say since gym heros came out.
my qustions
1.are any cards bad (NEW AND OLD)
2.does anyone play pokemon in Los angeles besides me.
3.does any one have an old school charizard for sale
i am new to this forum i have a few questions to ask well to start i just started playing the pokemon TCG once again(i was play magic the gathering for the past year) i haven't played pokemon in......well...let's just say since gym heros came out.
my qustions
1.are any cards bad (NEW AND OLD)
2.does anyone play pokemon in Los angeles besides me.
3.does any one have an old school charizard for sale