"Apocalypse..CRUNCH!! Knock out that Ghost!" Gaius yelled..
Bloon was bit HARD KO
Mightyena was hit by ice fang..KO
Suddenly..both teams heard a large explosion coming from a door to the left side of the room..a door that neither team noticed..the door was blown off..and both teams could see an object cloaked in what appeared to be Purple flames..
The scientist finally regained consciousness
"You..fools..ugh..you've been wasting time..fighting each other..That (indicating the object) is your true enemy..it destroyed the lab..killed all my comrades...we were trying to create a pokemon more powerful than any other..a pokemon that, in the right hands, would end fighting..a pokemon that could use instruments to create fertile land..could control the weather..a pokemon who would make both sides lay down their arms." (the man coughs blood) "We combined DNA of every psychic pokemon known to exist..and we created Him. A God among pokemon..we gave him armor..to heighten his powers and eliminate all weakness. But..instead of being our savior..he is a Death Bringer. He lashed out..destroyed this base..killed everyone. No pokecube can contain him..he is..forever wild..you must stop him..or even tire him, even that could force it to leave. We found an ancient Sample of DNA here in the ice..and used it for the initial base pair and image..a scientist called the extrapolated dna Mew..and that..is Mewtwo"
The object raised it's head, seeing the teams for the first time. it moved one of it's fingers..and a beam detached from the ceiling and speared the scientist through the stomach. The man gagged
"Mewtwo...why are you"....gurgle..."evil..you could have brought peace.."
"Oh god, WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS WATCH THE FIRST POKEMON MOVIE?!" Dan screamed at the dead man. "You," Dan point at the Red Army, "we are going to have to escape alive so I suggest you help. Together we've got to fight off Mewtwo until we can escape. Call for backup, we've GOT to get out of here." Dan ordered. He continued muttering stuff about how when creating Pokemon they should've researched more like actually watching the show.
OoC: lol ok. I assumed they created Pokemon because they knew what they were before and created them because of their power and stuff. I thought it was some kind of pattern in history that was inevitable when Pokemon were created. And I thought it was kinda funny =P
"I agree..we must escape..but if we defeat him it would be a powerful weapon!"
The flames subsided..revealing a purple/pink pokemon clad in armor. it outstretched two of it's fingers and debris fell from the ceiling..blocking off both exits that the teams came from..
"He's invincible you (censored), power-hungry, stupid snob! Now we have to get past him... Fluffy tried to Sing him into Sleep!" Dan's voice was fierce. More death. The war had killed enough people and Red Army wanted power in a life or death situation. He was not letting them win this war.
OoC: Ok I'll change it. I thought using Sing would help...
"Come out out Blaze, Lapras, and Shades! Use Dragon Rage, Body Slam, Sand Tomb!" Dan shouted out.
you only have 6 max..3 are already KO'd. You Really shuda let the man talk lol please choose 3 of the above and edit accordingly
Mewtwo took the attacks..84% left
Mewtwo waved his right hand..Charizard flew against the wall..KO
"No..Antichrist!..I must fight on..Everyone else..same attacks!
Smeargle couldn't attack
Mewtwo took the attacks 78% left
Locked for the night. each player can attack once before play resumes