Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Ooc: Since I'm done with my mission put three levels on Gem(Geodude; could you change the names on the first post) and two on Boone(Bulbasaur; same).
Pokemon Search! LakeShore Pokemon!
Imma gonna do this now; I want random Pokes.
Ic: Danny runs to the lake shore, excited for his second mission. He sees Jason ahead of him. "What's goin' on," he shouts.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


Luxray WAIT! we're now going to do missions AS TEAMS can still spin the wheel
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Ooc: Well, Umb/Esp is doing this mission now, so it's still kinda a team.
Ic: "Hey, sweet, a wheel! Can I have a go?" *Hands over Ten dollars*
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


ah ok..but after you're done..wait until boddy assigns each Team one of the missions
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

"Now,tell me your name,or I'll tell everyone your booth is a ripoff."
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Pokemon Search! LakeShore Pokemon
Ooc: Hearing what Jason had to say, Danny lashed, "What? Dude that's kinda rude. Her, I know his name. It's..... Your Mom!" "Hey, do you want my money or not," Danny said to the man.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

"Well we have to find out what this man is up to."
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Pokemon Search! LakeShore Pokemon!

"Ok, fine. My name is Chance, and I'm a Lotto Connoiseur. I travel from area to area offering my wildly popular Grass Lotto. I do it merely for the fun. I'll be present in other missions. Just look for "Lotto Connoiseur" in the Warning section. Now, go catch your Shellder, there's people behind you."

Expansive Field! Pokemon Search!

The man looks at Gaius. "You've run out of Cubes. Have you decided to release your Cherubi?"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

OOC: hurry mlouden, i didnt get to play yet :(
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


Gaius releases Cherubi "I have no need for useless pokemon such as yourself" *Gaius kicks the cherubi away and hands the man $10*
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Expansive Field! Pokemon Search!

The man takes Gaius's money, and spins. It's...

#179 Mareep
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Ooc: Dang, according to Umb/Esp's profile, he's offline. Can I just pass him out or something?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause


*Gaius thinks*..Not the best pokemon..but I Do need type diversity..*Gaius walks back, and sees mareep* "Go, Famine! Knock it out!" *the Sandile runs and Tackles the mareep..Mareep, slightly dazed, attempts to use thundershock, which does nothing against the ground type Sandile.* "Just as I planned, Famine...bite down on its neck, cut off it's oxygen" The sandile widens its jaws and bites down on the mareep..while the sheep tries to shock and flail but to no avail. Finally, the mareep passes out* "pokecube..Go!" Gaius throws the cube at the unconcious click click..Caught.

Gaius stands and waits to see what Victor will aquire
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

"Thank you,now I'll go catch him."5 min later Jason comes back with a shellder.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

"Here's 10$, I'd like a go at it"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Ooc:Darkvoid,are you WA?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Ooc: Few. EDIT: No, he's RA
Ic: "Great now can I give it a go? I can give ye' $10"
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

Pokemon Search! LakeShore Pokemon!

Chance takes Daniel's 10 Dollars, and pushes the button. On the monitor appears...

#390 Chimchar

Expansive Field! Pokemon Search!

The man takes Victor's money, and rolls the wheel. Out comes...

#436 Bronzor
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! Sign Ups End March 23! New Missions Post 508 Game UnPause

"Here's another 10, hit me up again"
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