RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!
The World Avengers
"Hm. I have no need for this. So, go! Horsea!"
Horsea pops out of the PokeCube, ready for battle.
"Horsea, Bubble!"
Horsea lets out a small stream of bubbles from it's snout. The Whismur staggers back from the blow. The Whismur charges Horsea and Pounds it. Horsea lets out a SmokeScreen. Whismur can't see. Horsea quickly circles the Whismur and lets out a bubble from all directions. The Whismur falls to the ground. It gets up, and quickly runs off.
Dec called Horsea back into it's PokeCube. Dec handed the man another $10. "Let's have another go at this."