RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!
The World Avengers
Commander Gene greets you as you walk in.
"Hello, cadets. Today, I'm going to run you through the complicated process of Pokemon Synthesis. Now, I know that a lot of you have already captured Pokemon in the field, but today, I'm going to show you an alternative to capturing Pokemon, and that is Pokemon Synthesis. Pokemon are creatures that were created in a lab, therefore, they are made using organic materials. These materials are known as "Essences." The genetic code of a Pokemon is crafted using the characteristics of these objects. Today, I'm going to Synthesize a Squirtle to demonstrate."
He walks up to a large containment chamber, about 8 feet tall. Nearby, he presses buttons on a keypad, and the chamber opens up.
"Now, Pokemon like Squirtle are special. Since they are very hard to find in the wild, we have to use a special kind of Essence, called a Novice Essence. These Novice Essence contain the embodiment of a new beginning. They are in the form of a red handkerchief." He reaches into his pocket, and pulls one out. "This can be described as a Novice Essence."
He places the handkerchief in the chamber, and turns to the group again. "Now, Squirtle also requires other Essences."
He directs you to a nearby table. "Here, we have two Drop Essences, and a Shell Essence. These Essences are necessary to Synthesize a Squirtle."
He picks up the Essences, and places them in the Chamber. He then closes it, and pushes a large red button on the door. Suddenly, through a window, you see that the process has begun.
"Now, depending on the Pokemon you're Synthesizing, the Pokemon may take longer, or shorter to create. Some may take a whole day, and some may take just an hour. However, the ones that cook the longest are the ones that are the most powerful. Also, whenever you Synthesize a Pokemon, you get to keep it in a complimentary PokeCube. Well, I guess that's everything. Each room has been outfitted with a Synthesizing Chamber, so whenever you feel the need, go and Synthesize!!"
OoC: Here's a basic summary.
1. There will be a list of Pokemon you can synthesize on the front post. The Pokemon change daily, and they are automatically refreshed once you Rank Up.
2. Synthesizing is like breeding. Every time you do, you get a free Pokemon and PokeCube.
3. Since you are Private II, there are only 5 Pokemon on the Synthesizing List. Whenever you Rank Up, the number increases.
4. Borrowing from the mechanics of Farmville, different Pokemon will take longer to synthesize than others. For example, a Sunkern may take 3 hours, whereas a Squirtle will take a day.
5. You must have sufficient Essences to create the Pokemon. If you do not, the process cannot commence.
So, yeah. I'll update the front post with the Pokemon you can Synthesize in a bit. Also, your Missions will be posted as soon as the Red Army finishes their current Mission.
Red Army Escort!
OoC: Butch is now between you and Dutchess.