Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

Seb stands "Lets go!" Seb heads towards the main floor.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!


IN: Rahul was still fazed from that payback. He commanded Charmeleon to use ember on the Pawniard

OOC: Boddy I finished the rescue survivors mission and should have 9 candies in bag
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

OoC: Did we get candies for beating CO. Stone? If so, can I have 2 on Cleffa, 1 on Houndour, and 2 on Totodile?

IC: Raul left the synthesis room and headed to the main floor for the mission. He was ready to get back out on the field.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

"Well guess I'd better get going. Besides I think I could use a break from all this fighting." "Oshawott!" "Right, let's go!" Tidus and Typhoon head to the main room.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

"Finally, a mission. I thought we would never get back I action."
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

"Time for action."Vincent walks up to the main room.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

OoC: Assuming Boddy is offline, the A Lá Pause Hotel is up and running.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

I know it's paused: (one post I can make while paused)

Boddy was on at 6:10 pm..and he didnt post anything :( he didnt post AT ALL today. in 24 hours. I'm not exactly happy. I mean ik he obviously has a life, but he Chose to start this rpg which means he has the responsibility to either run it in an adequete time frame or hand it over partially or Fully to someone who can. Now, I'm not saying he needs to be on 24/7 or even like HOURS at a time..but no story progression is 24 hours is Beyond sad.

to boddy:

Dude, my suggestion to you is either give Joey all the info you have for missions or give it to myself and he and I can run this together. I'm on literally 24/7 almost. Half the people already left because of inactivity, (darkvoid anyway), and lukey probably left for the same reason as he's active in epms rpg, because, well, It's Active. I Really don't want this rpg to die after barely a week of it existing. Please take my statement into consideration and either let joey or joey/I run it when you're not on. Thank you
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

OoC: I actually support that Boddy. You can be like WPM and overview everything while I run WA and mlouden runs RA. Just give us the full plans for each side correctly. No one post (NOT YELLING at you mlouden ;)) until he replies, as I would wish to see his reply.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

OoC: Ummm... I guess that's fair. Honestly, I'm stalling the continuation since I've been trying to reorganize the front post, and it's taking FOREVER due to my laggy computer. If you would like to work each side, I guess I could try to make it work out. However, I would like for the Red Army Mission first before we continue.

Oh, and mlouden03, only one Pokemon at a time! What do you think this is, a 4 on 1 battle? lol
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

OoC: I see, but it's 24 hours... Alright, sounds like we have a deal! I'm off to bed, so tata!
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

OOC: LOL. are you like psychic or something boddy? and Gaius is pretty much evil remember..he follows his own rules lol.


Gaius recalls 3 of his pokemon "I'll decide to go easy on you, since you are a pathetic little girl. Go, DEATH! LIVE UP TO YOUR NAMESAKE!! TEAR THAT PAWNIARD TO PIECES!!!!!!" He shouted, commanding his pokemon into battle
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

OoC: I can pay slightly more attention now. The piece of work-to-get Hydreigon is obtained, so now I can pay slightly more attention.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!


Where do you even get dineo in VR? and did you raise one from scratch or catch at VR and train that way?
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

OoC: Inside the cave in VR. I trained it that way with Exp. Share and Elite 4, but now I need to EV it for Darkvoid.

ANYWHO, Unpaused.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

OoC: I'll give you the information in a bit. I'm gonna go back to restructuring the front post some more.


The World Avengers

Commander Gene walks in, and greets all of the recruits.

"Good day, recruits. I have some exciting announcements. First of all, I am happy to inform you that we have no gained a stronghold in the Yucatan Peninsula, in Mexico. As such, your next few Missions will take place there. Since you will be tackling harder Missions, I have a surprise for you. The Shop here has officially opened. Since you are all Private II's, however, the stock is relatively limited. However, if you move up to Private First Class, there will be an influx of merchandise. In order to move up in Private First Class, you have to prove your worth by having Synthesized at least one Pokemon. Luckily, the next few Missions you will be tackling will yield rewards containing Essences."

OoC: One last thing, if you want to make a purchase, you have to tell me so by bolding your purchase. Sadly, you can't right now, because I'm updating the front post, but it'll be up in a little bit. Just wanted to give you a heads up. I'll also be posting the requirements for moving up in the Ranks!!

Red Army Escort! The Red Army vs. Dutchess!

Dutchess merely responds. "Pawniard. Payback!"

Pawniard shoots another ball of energy at you, however, not as powerful.
RE: RPG: Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

"I wonder if we will be getting those missions any time soon" Seb said sarcastically as he gets up "Well i'll be waiting"
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