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The World Avengers – The Forsaken Desert! Pokemon Search!

OoC: Other members were already getting them, so I thought there were no missions attached. I also received a Plume Fossil (If I read correctly…)
OoC 2 (a different thought…): I was never really part of the Sweets are Sweeter when Sweetest! mission, so I'm joining the other one (listed at top of post)

IC: Back at base, Dec gave his Snivy 3 Level-ups and his Horsea 2. (From Chance and the Grass Lotto!)

Snivy……Lv. 13
Vine Whip

Horsea……Lv. 12
Water Gun

Dec saw the mission intel for The Forsaken Desert! Pokemon Search! and immediately signed up.
back missions? did they finish the baking one? I'm going to rush through some ra missions as i spent my time doing WA instead, i hope thats ok

The Skyline of New Delhi! Pokemon Search!

5 candies on charmeleon, he's charizard now

I'm going to spin for myself.

Boddy i have a recording of people's rewards..want me to pm you?


Gaius walks up to lotso.. "Old man, I want to play your game. here's $10"

Lotso spins the wheel "#143..Snorlax!"

"Good..I will use snorlax's brute strength"

Gaius walks into the field and sees the immense pokemon.

"Go, Charizard!, weaken it enough for me to capture" His pokemon attacks it ferociously, and after an extended battle snorlax faints.

"Pokecube...Go!" click clikc click..Snorlax was captured

"I'll name you Famine"


You did get a plume fossil, and i figured to just go ahead and do it since boddy hadnt posted in god knows and didnt give me the info


Gaius uses Uri to make a quick teleport back to the base, buys 4 pokecubes, then teleports back to lotso.

"I have more cubes..I want to spin again"

Lotso: " sure like spinnin don't cha? it is!" Lotso spins the wheel "#607 Litwick!"

Gaius "I don't want some pathetic candle, here's 10 more..spin again"

Lotso "you're picky aren't ya? fine fine..your choice. Here we go!" Lotso spins the wheel

OOC: I got 642...dang no legendaries rule lol.

The spin lands on.."#498..Tepig!!"

Gaius: "Old man I don't NEED another fire type. Give me something good, like that snorlax from earlier!"

Gaius gives him $10 More (lol)

Lotso: "Wow, you sure are VERY picky..Here we go!!" He spins the wheel.."#235..Smeargle!!"

Gaius: Smeargle isn't too powerful outright..but what it lacks in brute possesses incredible versatility..It could be Very useful

"I'll get this one!" Gaius walks into the grass..and sees smeargle painting on a tree. "Quick, attack it from behind before it can attack..Go, Charizard! Dragon rage!" His Charizard attacks, knocking out smeargle. "Go..POKECUBE!!" He throws the cube at the fallen paint pokeon. click click click..CAUGHT

"Good, I'm probably done for now. I may be back later"

Gaius teleports away from lotso -MISSION ONGOING-
The Foresaken Desert! Pokemon Search!

"OOH, CLAMMY!" *Joey runs at the Clamperl before having Beauty using Absorb to heal. The Clamperl looked like it was out of breath. Easy catch!*
"Well, bye!"
Mission Accomplished!
OoC: All on Striker so it can evolve into Dewott.
*Not even a few minutes after the mission was completed, Joey went on Sweets are Sweeter then Sweetest! On the way, Joey turned to see a Dewott.*
"My, aren't you quite!" *Joey walks into the store*
OoC: I'm naming that Clamperl Ariel.

Sorry for double posting, but I've just updated the front page, and I have to tell you guys some stuff!

mlouden: Unfortunately, since Snorlax has a previous evolution, you would have to have encountered Munchlax, not Snorlax. Do you still want to capure Munchlax?
And also, Antichrist wants to learn the moves Flame Burst and Wing Attack. But Antichrist can't learn more than four moves. Delete an existing move to make room for Flame Burst and Wing Attack?

shampoo-thief: Your Houndour wants to learn the move Roar. But Houndour can't learn more than four moves. Delete an existing move to make room for Roar?

Oh, and for those who had just caught Pokemon:
Umbreon/Espeon- Your Gothita is level 9, your Shroomish is level 6, and your Vanillite is level 9
Joeypals- Your Clamperl is level 5.


The Expansive Desert! Pokemon Search!

Chance greets Dec, and takes his money. He spins the wheel to reveal...

#111 Rhyhorn

OoC: I'm off to school! Oh, and sorry I haven't "officially" announced this, but mlouden03 is now a Co-Moderator next to Joey. However, since Joey has been temp-banned, mlouden03 was promoted to Moderator.
The World Avengers – The Expansive Desert! Pokemon Search!

The Rhyhorn appeared, and it looked ready to battle. Dec turned away. "Here's another $10…"

Yeah I'll still get him. when could/would I be able to evolve him though?

Flame burst replaces Ember, Wing attack replaces fire fang

I'm gonna get some food (just got up) and then solo a mission around 2. fleece I'll have you npc accompny me since ik you havnt been on many missions at all
Back..sorry. Gonna start soloing RA

Recon in Mumbai!!


Gaius quickly teleported to Mumbai with the help of his Uri. He knew he had to find Martha..and get Any information on whatever means necessary.

OOC: Anyone else on?
Ooc:Boddy whenever you can put 5 Rare Candies on Tepig (If im correct so it could evolve) 3 on Ferroseed, 2 on Rufflet and 2 on Dwebble.
The Skyline of New Delhi! Pokemon Search!

IC: Rahul decided to let the starly run free and saw a hoppip, he threw a cube without any effort and caught it. Hoppip was Caught.
Rahul got back in line

OOC: Can I buy 2 pokecubes
The thugs seem to be robbing the man "Your funny if you think im letting you do this!" Seb sends out his Tepig

Yeah..I'll mark it as a deduction of $40 and let boddy know. sorry, was periodically checking after shippuden episodes. I can run the wheel if you want too.

Press start..if you Really want there to be thugs then fine..but the mission is actually very easy if/when you go back inside lol

Lotso Spins the wheel.. "#246..Larvitar!!"

OOC: are so beyond lucky XD I will totally trade something for that lol.

For Sweets are Sweeter when Sweetest!

The Thug leader send out a Graveler, lvl 18. "Go Graveler, smash that Pignite (didnt it evolve?), into the ground!"

IC: Rahul ran into the grass with enthusiasm and used ember on the Larvitar, Rahul tossed the cube and caught Larvitar.

Rahul got back in line to spin again

OOC: No way dude, im making it a tyranitar
Ooc:I was waiting for Boddy to approve
"Crap, crap, crap" Seb recalls Pignite and sends out Ferroseed.

:p fine. lol. that's like my favorite pokemon lol.

Lotso: "Wow, you sure seemed to like that larvitar..I'm happy for ya...let's Spin it Again!" He spins.."#557..Dwebble!!"


I'm moderator as per boddy's post, so assuming you're not lying about your candies (which would be stupid Anyway lol), then you have a pignite. what levels are your pokemon at so I can give you move options
Ooc:Boddy can you put 2 Rare Candys on Flare?He should evolve.
In:Jason hears Seb battling outside."Hey,what's that?!"Jason runs outside,and sees Seb battling a man."Who's this man Seb?Well whoever he is,he's probably bad!Chomper,use Water Gun!"

and the front post is correctly updated besides those new candies?

For Sweets are Sweeter when Sweetest!

In response to Jason's arrival, one of the other thugs sends out his Tangela. "Go, Tangela, jump on graveler and use vine whip! Turn "chomper" onto the pignite, make him attack his friend!"

The first man declares an attack "Graveler, Use Earthquake!" The ground in the alley begins to shake as the shockwaves reach all of the pokemon still on the ground.
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