Finished Pokemon: Terrors of Tomorrow! New Rules on Front Post!

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ok..Anyone else wanna spin? joey? rock? i see you guys are on. if not I'll just start RA

From Joey:

"Wow... that was horrid. Sorry sir!"
Mission Complete!
OoC: All on Ariel.
In: After getting back to HQ, Chase notices an uncompleted mission.
"Now let's do that!"
Chase accepts *insert mission name for the desert mission where Dan caught Skorupi*
"Chance again? Well, I'll play one last time." *Chase sets $10, hoping for a ghost, dark, fighting, or psychic type*

As GM:

Chance spins the wheel "#290...Nincada!!!"

On joey's behalf:

Chase lets the nincada go, and pays chance $10 more for another spin

Chance: "#245..Spin Again!" He spins again "406...Budew!!!!!"

On joey's behalf:

Chase lets Budew go and gives chance $10 MORE

Chance: "Ok..let's spin!" He spins.. "#54..Psyduck!!"

Chase lets psyduck go "Dang you chance! Hit me again!"

Chance spins...."#298..Azuril"
Chase is still unhappy and gives chance $10 more


"'re REALLY picky. but hey it's your money" chance spins the wheel "#311 Plusle!!"

Chase: "No, no, no! I will not accept that! Give me something that works well, not a squirrel!" *Chase slams down 10 more*


"Actually it's more of a rat, not a squirrel..but fair enough" Chance spins "#339..Barboach!!"

Chase: "How hard is it to get one of 4 types? This will make it $80. Again"

Chance: "nincada.psyduck.. nincada evolve into a ghost type and psyduck can use psychic let them go. Guess those wern't ghostly/psychic-y enough huh?" He spins the wheel.. "#66..Machop!"
Sweets Are Sweeter When Sweetest!

Robert accompanies Tidus back to the shop. They look closely at the ingredients. Flour, eggs, milk, shortening, corn oil, buttercreme frosting, sprinkles, and edible decorations.

Robert sighs, and says, "Well, I'm pretty sure that this all checks out. I guess the only thing mysterious is the knowledge of our Coordinators."

Robert packs up his stuff, and hangs a CLOSED sign on the front door. He leaves, and with a sigh, yells:


OoC: Some things to say!

1. Since all the WA Missions have been completed, the Foresaken Desert Mission will remain open for another three hours. Since I know that you all have a gambling problem love it so much. :p However, once that is done, your next Mission will be posted, and the Foresaken Desert will have expired.

2. Something I think needs to be touched upon. Please try to keep track of what Mission you're on, because I know that PressStart and Umbreon/Espeon both left the Sweets Mission early. Until you see my post saying MISSION COMPLETE! The mission is still ongoing, and you can not leave.

3. I'm going to update the front post.
"Uh thank goodness. I was getting a little worried there for a second. Well anyway Mission Complete."

boddy originally you said people post mission complete when Their missions are done. I asked and they seemed to say it was completed.

From joey:

"FINALLY!" *Chase runs out to see a buff Machop* "Beautifly, Absorb!" *The Machop tried to punch Beautifly, but it missed. Beautifly gets a direct hit, then Chase throws a PokeCube* "Yay, I'll name you... Rocky Balboa. Sir, I want to go again." *Chase slams down $10, looking to see if he can send Patches to storage if it is awesome.*

Chance spins the wheel: "#590...FOONGUS!!. Isn't that such a fun name to say?" Chance chuckles
Tidus stares into the distance for a while before choosing his next mission. Concerned Typhoon ask what is wrong. "Osha?" "What's up with me you ask? Well I just fell a little homesick and I kinda miss someone. Nothing to major though. Anyway lets try for another spin at that roulette thing." "Oshawott!""

Happy they accept: The Forsaken Desert! Pokemon Search!

OoC: Again I would like to point out these missions sound like Pokemon episodes. I like that it adds a nice touch
OoC: Why, thank you, Culex! That's what I was going for! :p

Well, Umbreon/Espeon I can let go, since he left basically when the Mission was done, but PressStart left halfway through it. When there's some sort of action occuring, you can't just leave. However, I am to blame as well, as I was a bit discreet in explaining that. Basically, I don't want anyone to feel as if they are being punished. You are fine, just don't do it again. Now, let's continue the fun roleplaying!

mlouden, where did you and thefleeee leave off with the Recon in Mumbai mission?

In the back of the car, I've been too busy hdoing WA to finish it myself lol..speaking off..

From joey:

Chase said "Yucky, I hate poisonous mushrooms! Give me something that is at least a little cute or useful!"

"Fine, fine..$10 more" Chance said. Upon receiving the money he spun again "#501..Oshawott!! that cute enough for you?" Chance smiled, hoping Chase was Finally happy
OoC: Raaahhh! I'm pretty sure I updated the front post this morning, why has all my hard work disappeared!? Now I have to go through the last ten pages again. :( Sorry, guys, but I might not be able to finish updating 'till tomorrow morning.

dunno lol. didnt look/check


from joey:

"While I do agree Oshawott is extremely cute, I already have one. Please, spin again."


" already have one? you could always trade it to someone else..but ok..your loss buddy" Chance spins.."#446...Munchlax!!"

Joey:"MUNCHY!" *Joey runs and hugs the Munchlax before catching it* "I'll call you Chewy. Anyone want to raise Patches for a bit? If not, I'll put it away."
OoC: I'll wait until noon tomorrow to get an answer. Boddy, simply just take Patches and give it to the person raising it for me, leaving a Chase tag please.
The World Avengers – The Expansive Desert! Pokemon Search!

OoC: Well, since it seems we're all spinning the wheel again…

IC: Dec gets back in line, a bit more alert thanks to the Skorupi incident.

OoC: Dec will give the man a $10 when the wheel is spun for him. So, the spin wheel post says, "Chance took Dec's money and…" (<I couldn't think of a better way to put it than that…)
The Forsaken Desert! Pokemon Search!
"Um... I'll take #491." Dan says grinning. "Nah, just give me another spin.
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