lovebunny713 said:I don't really get made fun of for it, I'm kind of quiet in school and usually I look pretty angry (at least that's what people say) so I just play off with that act and people pretty much leave me alone, but it only works if no one really knows that you're not really like that. but there are a select few people that decide to annoy you for fun. but I can deal with that XD
I was actually one of the toughest looking guys in my graduating class, or at least that's what I was voted for in my school's yearbook back in '05. But even so, I was picked on relentlessly and eventually just started shutting people out...until I got into college at least. Then people I met were actually pretty cool with me being a Pokemon fan because, at some point, they were too (that, and it's not the only series I'm into). Still, kids can be pretty cruel at times...and I hardly ever speak to any of my former classmates because I resent how much picked on me.
Anyhow, getting back on subject, I think a lot of people like the games because they're easy to pick up and play whenever they want (and I think the same can be said of the TGC, though I'm never been into it so I don't know for sure). I guess it doesn't help that most of the characters from the anime, comics, and whatnot are kind of childish or cartoony, though when you look at other series that people are into you see more of the same. For instance, my sister still loves Spongebob Squarepants and she's just two-and-a-half years younger than me; my mother's absolutely adores Care Bears and Cabbage patch Kids stuff; and my dad never completely got over his childhood facination with Looney Tunes.