pokemon that never lived up to their promise

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Aspiring Trainer
in format right now for me the number one card that never realized it's potential would be dragonite ex, especially when compared to it's archetype peer flygon ex.
i thought maybe with sceptile ge dragonite would maybe have a chance but two stage twos are just too slow for competitive play as well as the fact that gallade loves to eat up ex's.
I agree. Dragonite really didn't, and I don't think that Gyrados star wasn't played barely either...
Umm, pretty much anything released from MT-on not named gardivior, gallade, absol, claydol or magmortar. :/
Mario was bad and overhyped, I agree. Trashed it with my 3-year-old delta deck dozens of times on end. The only reason of it being famous was cessy and riolu and that's pretty much it.

Every card in the format actually has potential just that every archetype out there eats them up alive. I've just seen the MD setlist and nearly every card in that list was broken compared to stuff I played with before DP.
[/size][/size]SALAMENCE EX
100 hp
80 atk on highest move

sweeeettt :cool:
^ See, the only trouble with mario is that it sucks

Magmortar is very good, but being very good doesn't mean it isn't hyped. Gorebyss OHKO with pluspower or strgth charm.

Look at blissy. WHen MT came out, best card ever.

Then comes gallade.

And then we realise Gallade is very overhyped.

See, this is why I love rouge decks.
You don't have to be. Just ask. It wasn't really a MD list. Just a DP5 one. But you could pretty much predict what's coming out. The rest of the japanese DP4 and a bit of DP5=MD.
Yes, I know that. So you haven't seen a MD setlist, and we all know that with PUI's unpredictability, we never know what the heck will come out next.
porygon z and the x are way to hyped as we know prgon z was to hyped and now isnt getting playtime as it was when it came out and the x well look shiny but bad.so porgon isnt seeing any action in az after two people playing it at states a couple weaks ago got 9 tails in row.
I personally also think that Blaziken ex CG never was used much either. Swampert ex wasn't so great, but now with GE out, it might see some play.
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