Pokemon Pokemon Therapy, (Are you ashamed of your hobby?)

RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

Lots of kids think its dumb because they want to stay cool, don't know enough about it, or their impressions were ruined by little kids playing, them playing as a little kid, or the anime(which in my opinion, does kind of ruin your impression).
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I may be wrong but I believe the word you were looking for was Repuatation not impressions.....an impression is someone trying to sound like another for comical purposes.
RE: Ashamed of pokemon?

I'm really surprized this thred went so far.

Well after a while I have found out the only leauges in the area the closest one is 8 miles away and only 4 ppl come and thats a maybe. The other one is about 40 miles away and its in a gettoh town and well I don't know about it. So technically im in a pickle.

Edit topic title will be changed to *pokemon therapy, Are you ashamed of your hobby?*
Why would i be ashamed of my hobby?
No one needs to care cause it's not there life...
Just Last Week my buddy told me Pokemon TCG are for Nerds and Immature Kids..
Why?!?!?!It's just a game...What's bad in playing a game...
That's all..LOL
others should not care about our passion for pokemon.you should not care about what they say.if you truly love pokemon, then you should be proud of it.pokemon is for all ages.pokemon is for everybody.pokemon is awesome!
Since I'm Home Schooled, I don't really have that problem. I used to want to try to hide that my pokemon hobby, untill I went to a tournament (I was younger, and way in over my head- I went to a worlds qualifier) and was beat by a 66+ year old. After that I was proud to play pokemon, and I don't want pokemon to leave my life. I can't imagine what lif would be like with out it.
A few months later (still in way over my head) I went to another tournament. Got beat by a 6 year old.
I look at the little booklett that came with the world championship decks. Youngest Player: 6 Oldest Player: 69. Pokemon is for the young and old. I'll never stop playing!
boracay_jason said:
Why would i be ashamed of my hobby?
No one needs to care cause it's not there life...
Just Last Week my buddy told me Pokemon TCG are for Nerds and Immature Kids..
Why?!?!?!It's just a game...What's bad in playing a game...
That's all..LOL

If he insults what you like to do then he's not a true friend.
abaxter94 said:
I went to a worlds qualifier and was beat by a 66+ year old.

I always wonder.
Why/how do people that old people like that get into the game.
That person was on average about 56 years old when it came out omg lol.

srry, needed to get that out =P

i'm currently on the "basis school". And my Class either Except It, Don't Care about it, Don't Hurt My Feelings, or soemthing. But it's not like i Tell My Whole Class Next Year that i Play Pokémon and Such (the School you spend your 12 to 18 Year or something like that). Ofcourse i keep my Mouth Shut:rolleyes: Unless my "Friend(s)" will say it to his "Friend(s)".

@Chakra: You'll Never Have True Friends. What if someone with a Gun ask you if you want to Live a give your life up for Your Friend. You'll simpley let the Friend die. Real True Friends Give Each other Lifes up for the Other. If someone will do it, it'll be either a Stupid or in Deep Love with that One (and being Stupid).
What does that have to do with anything?

And if you're a real friend, you would give up your life for another; this is what it truly means to be a friend. It's not foolishness, it's compassion, and it's something you'll never understand.
I feel a big opinion statement comming on.

I'm 15 now, turning 16 one month after D/P release, and I'm still playing pokemon. Although it is something I enjoy, just saying the word Pokemon is a curse. Everyone says, "you're too old." But saying someone is too old for something fictional is crazzy. I think no one is too old for anything, just as long as he/she can tell the difference between fiction and reality.

If you can't enjoy your favorite hobbies without fear of crule judgement, why live life?
It's really no big deal if you like Pokemon. It's exactly the same as liking Final Fantasy or Mario, except that Pokemon is more popular. It's not that big a deal at my school. Seriously, the "cool kids" always talk about how they watch shows like The Wiggles and Cartoon Network. It actually makes me feel more mature than them that I play Pokemon.
its real difficult for me.... i mean my family knows, my lil bro likes it too... my ollder bro (16) grew out of it like 4 or 5 years ago... and everytime he sees me playing emerald hes like "dude grow up"... im 14, andi i love pokemon.. i mean i grew with pokemon its such a big part of my life... and itr is so F*ing hard to have to hide it..!! i live in mexico (and 4 all u ppl who dont know anything about mexico, plz dont go stereotyping)... lets say that here it wasnt as big as in usa... so its like ppl grew out of it in 4th grade... and im in 8th.. and love it!! but its like i dont want anyone to know that i still like pokemon... i mean im not ashamed... i just dont want to deal with all of the bullying that i would get if i said i liked pokemon still.... i bet that there are ppl in my school that like it too... but its real hard.... u know if anyone knows it would spread so fast... and everyone would be like "u r such a looser!omg u still like pokemon!!" everyone would bother me until 12th grade... it would be so hard for me to deal with.... and here in mexico its even worse... bc pokemon wasnt so big here... and in usa u expect (well not expect, but infer) that ppl still play pokemon tcg and games... cuz it was/is real big!! but here u just say the word "pokemon" either to make fun of it or to mention pikachu, and then make fun of pikachu... and of course, i have to laugh along, so no one suspects... i gues i HAVE to keep it a secret... cuz it will destroy me & my reputation.... ppl just dont understand!! ITS NOT A KIDS THING!!! they just stereotyped it like "POKEMON: the childish game that no one plays anymore" and i will never get them to understand... so i will have to keep it a secret so i can still have a life... but i still LOVE pokemon...

*relieved* oof, i let it all out... lol
Normally, I would just question why they find it childish. Most of the time, they have no arguement. If they do, give me that arguement and I'll counter it. But it might be a bit late...
I'm not ashamed at all... Pokemon was'nt specificly designed for little kids... anyway, its not like I'm teased by any of my friends because i only have one friend and she likes pokemon even tho the only pokemon thing she does is go to the prereleases... I like pokemon... its realy the only thing i do outside of trying to get all my school work done in an hour... i never realy get to go to any events that often considering that they are all at least an hour from where i live but i don't see ever not liking pokemon unless they stop making games, printing cards, etc. or if i die (thats kindja obveous). (and yes i know its "kind of" or "kinda" but i like adding random J's to things)