Pokemon Pokemon to Animals

Global Warming's not going to happen probably for another year and a half. I see no sign of actual Pokemon anywhere, CC. XD

To answer your question; depends. What exactly kind of cult are we talking about?

Fire, aura(physically), and lightning is plasma. Plasma is highly dangerous. You can't hold it, and I doubt any other creature could-unless that creature is a pokémon.

Probably the only pokémon we could create is.....normal types. Which are already here. Horses, reptiles, mammals, whatever could be considered pokémon, but they're not.

Let's stick to google eyes and glue, shall we? Xp
Well. if Pokemon ever gets super rich, then it won't be far off; scientists have already learned to create synthetic specimens.
Jamtok said:
I hope Pokemon never exist in our dimension. People would treat them cruely, and use them for labor, just like they do with animals. I don't want my level 100 Miltank to be the next Whopper!

Actually, it'd probably be more of a Mewtwo thing, amirite? Them enslaving us? They're the ones with the powers, don'tcha know? xD

The idea would be interesting, but, overly impossible. owo; And how do you think you would create ghost Pokemon? That'd be tough. >W<;
Zyflair said:
Well. if Pokemon ever gets super rich, then it won't be far off; scientists have already learned to create synthetic specimens.

Sorry to be clueless, but what are synthetic specimens? All I know is it sounds to me that scientists could be on to something. Speaking of Mewtwo, I wonder if they could ever create a creature with a mind of a human and could even learn a human language. :)
Full Moon said:
Well, I don't know about that. But, I want them to make 3D battling arenas for pokemon. Wouldnt that be cool if they could make holograms of pokemon and you can battle other people and all you need to do is download your pokemon and they had voice commands so you didnt need a DS.

^This is the kind of thing you might expect to see in our lifetime as far as "real pokemon" go.

With our technoligy at the moment, it's impossible to actually create a real pokemon.
I suppose if years and years pass, you could begin to see animals adapt through evolution, and then it may be possible for them to have pokemon like qualities. But nothing like breathing fire or becoming ghosts. Just adaptions to suit their habitats.
Yeah, like through natural selection. They adapt to their habitats but changing in the way that is fitting to then. I do not think scientists will be able to create Pokemon even as technology gets better and better. Pokemon appearences and abilties are just too complex, and even changing an animal in general is no easy thing. :)
The holograph idea is something i've always thought of, and how rediculously awesome as it would be, it would be really, really expensive, i agree with sticking to googley eyes and glue. I never expect to see real pokemon.