Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! Round 15! SUBMIT A BANNER! :D The more, the merrier.

RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! GIVE IT A TRY!

That was a rather dumn joke by Zyflair, that whether or not on purpose, seemed real and set many game corner goers on edge.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! GIVE IT A TRY!

Ash: "Amazing. For once, they're not as annoying."
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! GIVE IT A TRY!

Hey, if time's not over yet, I'm gonna change my entry.

Team Rocket's attempts at learning to swim by themselves went bad.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! GIVE IT A TRY!

Thanks for waiting, guys. This round was very difficult to judge. There were no clear winners, second places, or honorable mentions. Most of the entries were right there with each other, so picking the best four was... interesting.

Let's get into the results:

Honorable Mention: Gliscor

- I liked the reference, and it worked, but it just seemed like a bit of a cliché. This was still a good entry, however. Good job.

Third Place: 42_chocolate

- This is actually kind of what it looks like! Well done with that connection, and I really look forward to your future entries.

Second Place: Multiplicity

- Gooood exploitation of the ambiguity. The screenshot is essentially a big bunch of "what-ifs", and you nailed one on the head. Good job!

WINNER: Shoyru1444

- This just worked perfectly. They look defeated, so it is reasonable to expect them to be blasting off, as in every episode. Great job, congrats on your first win.


Great job to all the contestants. Hopefully for next round I can get a screenshot with more to draw from, and despite this round's long wait, I hope you can stick around to enter in it. Thanks so much, everyone!

Something about Round 11?
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! GIVE IT A TRY!

It's just an idea, but do you think you can quote the posts of the people who made the top 4, so we don't have to keep looking back at the other pages and find their entries?
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! GIVE IT A TRY!

Mr. Random said:
It's just an idea, but do you think you can quote the posts of the people who made the top 4, so we don't have to keep looking back at the other pages and find their entries?

This. That's a great idea.

Congrats to Shoyru! Great entry!
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! GIVE IT A TRY!

EspeonROX said:
Mr. Random said:
It's just an idea, but do you think you can quote the posts of the people who made the top 4, so we don't have to keep looking back at the other pages and find their entries?

This. That's a great idea.

Congrats to Shoyru! Great entry!

Sure, that shouldn't be a problem. Thanks for helping improve the game.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! GIVE IT A TRY!

Agree Mr. Random.

Also I'm surprised I won! I'll be helping judge next round.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell this round is going to be intense.

Ready for another round? :D

-=Round 11=-


There's a whole river of possibilities on this one! Can you put your best foot forward and K.O. the competition?
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell this round is going to be intense.

Ash would agree that Jessie needs more space to practice her ballerina.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell this round is going to be intense.

Ash: What? You're shoe size is 50!?
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Round 1! FIGHT!
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

jessie: is there a ariados on my leg?
ash: uhhuh, and its about to spit poison!?
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Jessie: TEKKEN!
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Ash: Why does everyone hate me so much that they want to bash my face in?

dmaster out.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Jessie-"Float like a Butterfly, sting like a Beedril!"