Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! Round 15! SUBMIT A BANNER! :D The more, the merrier.

RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

James: Stop ****** my head you ugly perv!
Jessie: Hey, you can't stop after you start!
Meowth:Dear Arceus, what have I gotten myself into?!
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Meowth slowly walks away from Jessie's headlock... again.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Jessie: You failed at catching Pikachu, this is your punishment!
James: If we all fail, then why do I get punished?!?!
Meowth: Whatever I do I have to keep walking away and not turn around AT ALL!
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Meowth: I just know Jessie and James are doing something weird behind my back.

dmaster out.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Meowth: I'd rather spend time with team Ash than these twerps.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Meowth: Should I look back and be forever scarred, or not look and always wonder?
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Meowth could sadly see what was going on behind him in the reflection of the Camera Lens.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Jessie: Meowth, you stop right there or imma firin' my lazors.
James: Doh!
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

The day meowth was paralyzed.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

As Jessie and James fought over the last Burrito, Meowth stared into the Abyss...
And it stared back...
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

James im going to handstand when i get out
Jessie: Oh no your not
Meowth then saw a picture a of dawn kissing ash and he was disturbed for the rest of his life and always checked a mirror to if it was behind him
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Haven't forgotten about you guys. I'm starting on the judging now.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Eight days. C'mon buddy.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Yeah its been a while, you probably might be busy with some things. Though whenever you have time could you please update with the round winners and also the new picture?

I know its been a while, but it really doesn't take days to get the judging done, which probably means you're busy. I will wait until you update it. :)
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Sorry dudes! It had slipped my mind, and I'm glad you posted.

As soon as I get complete results from the other judges I'll update.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.

Thanks MylesPrower. Nice to know that it'll be done today.
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.


Yeah, really sorry about the wait. Life's been pretty busy as of late, and most online time recently has been spent with forum moderation. So thanks for being patient! Anyhow, both Berquet50 and 42 chocolate have decided to help with judging this round, so the results are really well-rounded.

Let's find out who won:

Honorable Mention (2): Snorchu

Jessie: James, your handstand is in the way of my sun salutation!
James: Well your sun salutation is in the way of my handstand!
Meowth: All you'se bickering's in da way of my final relaxation!

- Berquet50: The thing I liked in there was the awkward things that the guys wanna do =)

Honorable mention (1): Playerking95

Jessie: Ima firing my lazer.
Meowth: And ima wonderin' why i joined team rocket.

- MylesPrower: I really liked this one. It's concise, which made it stick out, particularly in this round. Nice job.

Third Place: Mr. Random

Jessie: Where did the last of my mascara go!?
James: How should I know where it is?
Meowth: Ohh...

- MylesPrower: This one was great! Works perfectly with the picture and reflects on the characters' personalities. Awesome!

Second Place: Decmaster

"Meowth could sadly see what was going on behind him in the reflection of the Camera Lens."

- Berquet50: I liked the camera reference, gives a way of realism into the cartoon.


Team Rocket reacts to seeing Team Plasma replacing them in the next series.

- Berquet50: Although not everyone knows about them, nice one.

- MylesPrower: This is really good! Excellent length, punchline, and flow. Great job!
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! I can already tell, this round is going to be intense.


Yeah, really sorry about the wait. Life's been pretty busy as of late, and most online time recently has been spent with forum moderation. So thanks for being patient! Anyhow, both Berquet50 and 42 chocolate have decided to help with judging this round, so the results are really well-rounded.

Let's find out who won:

Honorable Mention (2): Snorchu

Jessie: James, your handstand is in the way of my sun salutation!
James: Well your sun salutation is in the way of my handstand!
Meowth: All you'se bickering's in da way of my final relaxation!

- Berquet50: The thing I liked in there was the awkward things that the guys wanna do =)

Honorable mention (1): Playerking95

Jessie: Ima firing my lazer.
Meowth: And ima wonderin' why i joined team rocket.

- MylesPrower: I really liked this one. It's concise, which made it stick out, particularly in this round. Nice job.

Third Place: Mr. Random

Jessie: Where did the last of my mascara go!?
James: How should I know where it is?
Meowth: Ohh...

- MylesPrower: This one was great! Works perfectly with the picture and reflects on the characters' personalities. Awesome!

Second Place: Decmaster

"Meowth could sadly see what was going on behind him in the reflection of the Camera Lens."

- Berquet50: I liked the camera reference, gives a way of realism into the cartoon.


Team Rocket reacts to seeing Team Plasma replacing them in the next series.

- Berquet50: Although not everyone knows about them, nice one.

- MylesPrower: This is really good! Excellent length, punchline, and flow. Great job!


Once again, I'm really sorry about the wait. Next round will be more snappy. Thanks for your entries as well! You guys keep this game alive.

Round 13 coming soon!
RE: Pokemon TV Caption Challenge! RESULTS ARE IN! Round 13 coming soon!

3rd place, I did not see that coming.