Pokemon Types !!!!

RE: Pokemon Types !

because you have less chance of getting the right energy on the right pokemon
RE: Pokemon Types !

but you can support that with energy search or other trainer, may be pokemon with the avility of search energy or... I don't know
RE: Pokemon Types !

Well depends on the deck , but most well made decks focus on 1-2 types , maybe 3.
but if you have 4-6 even more , its really bad.
I almost always have 3 types in my deck.Though of the 3rd type I might have only 1 or 2 of it.I almost always have 2-3 energy search trainers as well depending on the deck.
Um... Usually, you play only 1 type for your main attacker, however, you can have multiple type supporting pokemon. For example, empoleon decks sometimes use bronzong, but no psychic energies. Although, don't play more than 2 different types of energies unless you are playing a colorless deck. Its too hard to set up. ;)
The reason why you don't use two types in a deck is there is less of a chance of getting energy for for that particular Pokemon type but having two Pokemon types makes it easier to battle so what would you like

Bad odds of getting energy but having good odds of winning the fight due to weakness


Good odds on getting energy but bad odds on winning the fight due to weakness
Playing with three or more types of pokemon require several different trainer/support cards to provide the correct energy in order to attack, such as Energy Search or Roseanne's. These cards end up taking anywhere from 4 cards to 10 cards in your deck (depending on number of types). Futhermore, decks with many types will become even rarer thanks to the new format of DP-on, which removes nice multi-typed energies such as DREs and Scrambles. The best alternative is the multi-energy, and you can't attach more than two on the same pokemon either, or they'll become obselete.
Its perfectly fine to use multiple types if you can handle them. Usually 2 at most. Its MUCH better to stick with 1 type since you'll get the required energy much easier this way. The only time you'd add in a 3rd type is if that pokemon is a tech. Because then you usually don't need to add in any other types of energy.

Also you can play multiple types of pokemon if they require the same types of energies. Such as playing starmie, a water type, in a psychic deck since it can use an attack using psychic energies.
Another good example is Pachirisu GE you can play it in any type of deck since it doesn't require any specific energy.
I can run 4-color decks...but then only 1 tends to attack, the rest is setup/support/tech. You usually focus on just the one line anyway, which means you only need 1 color as your basis.
Most of the time, 3+ typed decks become one-side to any one main attacker. The only real successful multi-typed energy deck would be skittles or Garchomp or eeveelutions. Other decks just mainly use different typed techs.