Digimon has a better anime as digimon have more personalty then pokemon. The plot lines are a lot less childish in Digimon. That is were Pokemon has gone wrong in marketing, they try to apeal to young children, when there main fanbase is teens and adults. Digimon has made better video games IMO. You get the option of equips and more diverse evolution lines, but pokemon has much more limted evolution lines and only offers 1 held item instead of the normal 3, in recent digimon games. Pokemon on the other hand has more diverse items wich makes partaily makes up for the fact that you cant use as many if the mat once. But another down side is that because of the many diffrent items many of them are useless.
Many commpettive pokemon battlers will say that you can not train your digimon as well as you can train your digimon because you can't EV train your digimon. They are right, you can't EV train your Digimon, and they do have natures but they don't affect your battleing. In digimon you have someting much much better. You have farms. Farms are a place you can put your digimon to train them in cetrian stats, you can aculy train them so insted of getting "EV points" you get the stat traind. so intead of kill a 4 magikarp to get one speed stat, you can get four speed stat in the same time. In the time it took to kill said magikarps you could have given 10 digimon four stats of you choice. Sadly there is a "break" period inbtween traing sesions of about 10 min, but during this time you can have progress in the story line, battle, and\or get other digimon.
The battling is up to prefrence. I like digimon more because it offer less varity of attacks, but all of them are usefull even late game.
Example: Infenape used Scratch! It's a critcle hit! The foe's Garchomp lost 1 HP!
Example 2: War Greymon used Takle. It did 20 damage.
This is much better as scratch, ect, is always known by the digimon and never use MP [digimon PP] so it is usefull for takeing out the smaller digimon. Another beffit is is that digimon has a battle field with 5 spaces on each side. In the battle digimon that are next to each other give each other stat boost. The attacks can hit more than one space at a time, makeing it much more stragic than 1vs1. Since in digimon you can use up to 3 digimon at a time and have 3 back ups.
But due to pokemon being much more devolped it is up to prefrence.
In the TCG [yes they made a digimon one many years ago that has since died after the 2nd set] pokemon wins.
So I am mainly a TCG player and in that aspect I like pokemon, but for the rest I like digimon more.