Wi-Fi Trades Pokemon99 Trading thread. OPEN FOR BUISNESS Now with 13th movie dogs

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ok, Ill get his IV's in a minute

So far, these are his IV's

Pineco - #204 (Lonely)
HP: 1
Att: 26
Def: 20 - 22
SpA: 7
SpD: 29
Speed: 23
What level and Natures are your three "Crown Dogs"? Make me an offer if you're interested in anything on my thread.
if you can get me a jolly mew, with at LEAST 25 IV's in hp and no less than 15 in Speed, then maybe
CMT for a 13th movie Entei. Just looking to save for the Zoroark. LMK if you see anything.
Batman, im interested in Flygon (Shiny) - Modest - Levitate

Hp - 299
Attack - 188
Defense - 229
Spc Attack - 275
Spc Defense - 217
Speed - 229

Dragon Pulse
Earth Power
Giga Drain / Sandstorm
K, I will let you know when I am able to trade. Just need to get a cloners unless you can do it as well?
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