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Ponys and Turtles (Blastoise/Keldeo)


Wishes Mega Umbreon would exist
Heres the List
Pokemon (12)
3- Keldeo EX
2- Mewtwo EX
3-1-3 Blastoise
T/S/S (36)
4- N
4- Juniper
3- Skyla
3- Level Ball
1- Computer Search
4- Ultra Ball
4- Pokemon Catcher
3- Energy Retrieval
4- Super Scoop Up
3- Rare Candy
2- Super Rod
1- Tool Scrapper
Energy (12)
12- Water
Strategy- Use Blastoises Ability to power up your attackers to do lots of damage and hopefully win the game
Why Cresselia? Also:
-1 Energy Retrevial
-1 Prism
+2 Super Rod
I find Prism kinda irrelevent in this situation since after you use it and the Pokemon it's attched to is KO'd you can't get it back. Plus, Cresselia is the only one that needs it. Super Rod will help you not deck out. I've tested this deck alot and always come close to having to deck myself out. I know you have N, but it won't help as much late game as Super Rod.
Bo$$_89 said:
Why Cresselia? Also:
-1 Energy Retrevial
-1 Prism
+2 Super Rod
I find Prism kinda irrelevent in this situation since after you use it and the Pokemon it's attched to is KO'd you can't get it back. Plus, Cresselia is the only one that needs it. Super Rod will help you not deck out. I've tested this deck alot and always come close to having to deck myself out. I know you have N, but it won't help as much late game as Super Rod.
Cresselia is a Mewtwo counter and Ive found it to be a pretty good tech and I agree with the other stuff you said.
-1 Cresselia (you seem to like it but having 3 Mewtwo killers is just overkill)
-2 Prism
-1 Rare Candy
-2 Energy Retrieval
+2 Super Rod
+1 Skyla
+3 Emolga

Cresselia is just not a good tech. Its 4 energy cost is just an energy eater, especially consider the fact that Mewtwo does the same thing for ONLY water and is more effective at it because it requires less energy. I suggest maxing out your Super Rod line because if one of your Keldeo is knocked out you're pretty much screwed unless you can scoop it up or something like that. Super Rod has a better effect than Energy Retrieval so if you max out your Super Rod line then there's no point in running it. I suggest Emolga because it is a great way to set up any bench. You're likely to get an Emolga to start or you can Level Ball one out at the beginning of a game for an easy Keldeo and Squirtle, then continue to set up a good amount of water on your Keldeo then use its ability to switch in for free (not that it matters, it's Emolga). For any deck that runs Stage 2 and sets up on the bench I suggest running Emolga and this is no exception. I suggest maxing out your Skyla line just because at some point you're really going to need Super Rod. And if you can't draw into one, there's always Skyla there for you. I suggested you take out the Prism because of Cresselia and 4 Rare Candy is overkill in a deck that will probably not make use of more than 2, maybe 3 Blastoise per game, and 3 Rare Candy is very consistent.
Either way, this deck will certainly be fun to play in the meta. Wish you luck, and hopefully I helped!
My only real suggestion is taking out Cresselia Ex for Kyurem EX so that you have a reliable Tech counter for Shaymin Ex, since after you've taken 3 prizes Shaymin OHK's Blastoise and Keldeo plus even if you cannot get the 4 energy to one shot it you can discard the blend/prism on it with frozen wings. Kyurem is also a better answer to Shaymin then Mewtwo Ex because you don't have to worry about another Mewtwo Ex coming in and revenging you.

Also -2 Prism for +2 Tool Scrapper since with eviolite it will take keldeo an extra energy to 2hko most ex's.
Now we need a dislike button...
Kyurem is terrible. Just plain terrible. With 4 energy Keldeo can one shot a Shaymin. And you can do it every turn with Rush In. Seriously Kyurem stinks.
If you want Cresselia EX, I'd also reccomend Kyurem DV. It's an amazing tech if you can fit in the prism, because it OHKOs every dragon after a tool scrapper, as well as weakening you opponent's bench.
I think these kinds of decks are inconstant because it has to set up so much.
Yao70 said:
I think these kinds of decks are inconstant because it has to set up so much.
Thank you for sharing your opinion, but this thread is not for telling someone not to run a deck, it's for giving someone constructive criticism.
Otherwise I've gotta agree, Kyurem's just not an optimal tech in this deck.
i would take away this:

- 3 Level balls (takes too much space for just squir +1 Ultraball (lets you take out blastoise and keldeo)
-1 Skyla (2 should be enough) + 2 Cilan (great combo with deluge)
-1 tool scrapper (ik garbodor but still not a great menace to a keldeo) +2 Eviolite (lets you hit longer, so you can get ans SSU)

I hope it helps i mean hitting 110 with keldeo is pretty much 2hko to everything even with eviolite so tool sc not that much important in the deck in my opinion; if you reallly like it though, try cutting 1 energy retreival and one super rod( dont think 2 wold be that necesary in this deck you only need 1 blastoise)

Hope it helps :) fell free to apply thw changes you like
I would not skimp on the tool scrapper because if it's prized and you are playing Garbador your likely gonna lose especially if he's paired up with a damage spreader(Landorous Ex) since you have no real way of getting Blastoise out the active when it gets catchered. So yeah Garbador may not be the biggest threat to Keldeo but he's Blastoise's worst nightmare plus being force to manual attach 3 or 4 energy before you can do anything is gonna leave you open.
Yeah I know the threats there; but if you see its a garbodor deck, you don't bench squirtle, or if you already done it, you don´t evolve to blastoise, you just manually attach to keldeo (its like a darkrai hydreig deck, you dont evolve or bench any dragons if you see garbodor).

You keep k.o their ex, specially if its landorus its a O-hkO with keldeo;2HKO any other attacker; its just about knowing how to play against garbodor; you have to make it a blow exchange, and in blow exchange, keldeo always wins,thats why you would play the eviolite.

It will make the match very long, as all garbodor decks , but in the end you would win, (Not just talking btw, I already played against a landorus/garb; and darkrai/garb, several times and won that way); so i would say its just about knowing how to deal with the poor garbage XD
Have you contemplated playing against any Garbordor builds? I personally always like to play a minimum of at least two Tool Scrapper, just my personal opinion though.