Ponyta and Rapidash from Heat Wave Arena!

We’ve seen this ability on cards like Alolan Sandslash GRI and Sawsbuck CEC and it never saw play. This ability would need to be ever so slightly better like Slurpuff PHF and Gholdengo ex, which draw an extra card if you were in the active (Okay, maybe that’s more than just “slightly” better when you consider your ability to draw up to 8 cards per turn with Switching effects).
Also, Gholdengo's attack is usable, that helps a lot
This card is decent in glc with a line dedicated to draw into searching with magcargo
Actually kinda ok. Just raw stackable free card every turn, only 1 retreat, very usable most everywhere
oh rapidash, why you always so MEH.
replace the F+C cost for a single F, take away its retreat cost... and even there it would be a 6.5/10 card some random dude (me) would try in a deck for a couple of matches before jumping into any other suppoke
Would be good after we lose Dodrio's Zooming Draw and Gholdengo, but I can't justify its use even if you set up three of these with underdepths when Dodrio can actually use the self damage to its benefit and even Dundunsparce is around for two more years.
Drawing a single card per turn on a fully-evolved Stage 1 with no other redeeming qualities is bulk material. We already have this card in standard with Wyrdeer, and it has seen literally zero play. I don’t see this ever seeing any play. The IR is pretty though
Lol it's for the higher percentage of people that collect for the art.