Poor NidoQueen...

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Nidoqueen is mainly a tech in most decks, it's attacks aren't that great, considering it needs 3 to do a maximum 100(w/ out any effects, EB, etc.). It is great for a deck like Steelix Prime, but as I said, it's a tech.
Its meant to be used mainly as a tech rather than a main attacker. If it was a main attacker it would be a little slow while your opponent's don't need many benched pokemon/
you can do up to 100 dmg in 2 turns... 1 energy for 40 dmg (60 with xpert belt) and a double colorless gives you 100 dmg (120 with belt) in the 2nd turn. It also makes your opponent think twice about benching pokemon. Not to mention its pokebody... I duno... I think its an incredible attacker.
Its slow because once they see Nidoqueen, they won't put down many benched pokemon.
Nidoqueen is not a great attacker. 40 for 1 energy is terrible on a stage 2. It's only good purpose is to heal.
It's body is the only good thing about Nidoqueen. It can be ran in Flygon decks.
Jumpluff does pretty much the same thing as Nidoqueen in terms of attack; Both their damage is dependant on the opponents field, except Jumpluff has access to {G} supporters, can do a minimum of 70 a turn for 1 energy and has free retreat making it swarmable. Why don't we see Jumpluff nowdays? the low HP, lack of Claydol and is very suspectable to an easy T1 donk. But i guess Nidoqueen has better bulk, but with such a bad attack cost in this format for such "meh" damage, it won't see play as an attacker.
It's just slow.
I know some people use it in Donphan to help tank and heal the effects of Earthquake, but it's not extremely common.
I use nidoqueen in my Flygon deck and I believe it's great... People dont use it but I think 1 for 40 is great and especially healing helps my 2 Flygon X to switch and heal while I win erosion
40 for 1 ain't that bad, and Ruthless Tail is great fun sometimes....but like people have said, it's mostly used as a tech for healing and since spread isn't popular anymore, neither is Queen.
Its not used because its not an outstanding card. It is too slow, doesn't have enough HP, and doesn't heal enough. I would rather use playset of moomoo milk than a 2-1-2 nidoqueen.
MooMoo Milk is waaay better than Nidoqueen. That's why you see a playset of it in every deck in the format. /sarcasm

Nidoqueen is a very good card, but not as an attacker. It's main purpose is healing, and it does a great job at it. Donphan, Flygon, Steelix and Tyranitar all benefit from having Nidoqueen. You can use a Mega Punch in a pinch (for example, to hit Machamp with his weakness), but Ruthless Tail is a tad too slow.
X_empoleon_X, actually, I find Jumpluff works with a Spiritomb start and Vileplume. It takes away that easy donk you were talking about, and it disrupts your opponent from setting up, too, giving you more time. I can get it set up T2 easily.

But, back on topic, I actually like Nidoqueen, but there are very few decks that can use it to maximum potential. Some are Flyphan and an old deck, Mother Gengar. (EDIT: Oh yeah. Steelix and Tyranitar too) However, with the format speeding up consistently, there is no room for Nidoqueen. Even with Vileplume, people prefer to use Moo-Moo Milk.
This card isn't really good enough to be played as an attacker. It's a good 1-0-1 or 1-1-1 tech in Flygon, Gengar, and Donphan decks. I haven't played many decks that run it with Steelix or Tyrannitar, but it seems good on paper.
I've seen it played in Steelix Prime decks to compensate with Blissey PL's Poke-Power to remove damage counters from it, other than that it's not as consistent without Claydol and Flygon has been seeing less play lately as well.

It had potential with Nidoking TR but it's just too slow right now. Maybe when SP's get nerfed in the next rotation.
@Card Slinger J, when SP gets nerfed (IT. HAD. BETTER!!!) LostGar will be around, which is, in my opinion, more disruptive than SP, and wins faster, too. So, logically, King/Queen will always be too slow to play, which is kind of a shame, because it is a nice rogue…
Bright Looking it up (if it is being used at a tech) is a huge reason it's seeing less play. We had Moonlight Stadium last format, and now we do not.
I have a nidoking/queen deck. It's terribly slow... 4 dce and 2 upper energy still doesn't make it as fast as it needs to be. Queen has 2 purposes in this deck, maternal comfort and phermonal stamina poke bodies.

I use 4-2-4 queen with 2-1-2 king (one with phermonal, one with territoriality) spirit bomb helps speed it up, but king's super hig attack cost makes it super slow.
solrock with solar flash buys me time usually. But nido needs to be the focus in order to do anything.
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